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Paxton Flynn

I THOUGHT GOING on a date with Spencer Caldwell, a complete stranger that my brother hooked me up with will take my mind off Sebastian but it didn't. I looked around the restaurant wondering if by some weird fate Sebastian brought his date here too but I didn't see him or anyone remotely like him anywhere. I wondered what they were eating. If he was smiling at her jokes and how close they were sitting. Were they in a booth? Or in chairs like I and Spencer?

A sigh escaped my lips before I knew it and I looked up at Spencer with guilty eyes but he thankfully didn't hear it and was focused on his plate of ribs. He looked shy and wouldn't at me. He'd brought us to moderately fancy restaurant, they had all the local food and a few special ones. The restaurant were really beautiful and even had chairs outside. We didn't sit on a booth of any kind and instead sat on one of the chairs lining around the glass see through wall. I liked it here but thoughts of Sebastian has kept me too busy to value anything, including the wonderful food in front of me. It wasn't fair to Spencer or to me, I was denying myself the chance to know and appreciate a really good looking boy.

"This place is great, right?" I said chewing on my chicken and smiling at Spencer.

He looked up and he actually looked surprised that I was actually talking to him. He nodded, "Yeah, the food's great."

"Do you come here a lot?"

"This is my second time here. I haven't been in town long." He states with a shrug.

I perk up at that. "You're new?"

He nods, "Yeah, I came here two weeks ago."

"Wow." I said truly surprised. "Then how do you know Percy?"

He squeezed his lips as he thought about it. "Uh, we met at social media some months ago and I just registered into the school and we see a lot of each other."

"That's... wow." I said and he laughed.

"What about you? You both must be really close if he's setting you up in semi blind dates."

"He's a pain in the ass. But we're cool." I say and Spencer nods picking up his Coke to drink from.

Okay, so he's okay. We continue to true questions back and fourth at each other and he's no longer quiet and shy. I successfully don't think of Sebastian for the rest of lunch and even laugh at some of Spencer's jokes. He has a lot.

"I think Seattle is a great place. I'd really love to go there one day. And by your stories, then I must go there one day." I tell Spencer as his car stopped in from of my house.

He smiled, "it is and of course you must. I miss it everyday."

"You didn't tell me why you moved?" I asked then my mind flashed back to Sebastian and the reason he moved.

Spencer relaxed back in his seat and any remnant smile fell off his face. "My mum got sick. Third stage lung cancer."

"Oh God." I said feeling bad for him and his mother. How terrible.

"Yeah." He smiled but it was forced. "At least its just third stage right, not fourth."

I smiled at his optimism. I liked it. "Yeah, she'll get better."

He nodded. "Anyway, things were getting hard so we had to come over here to look for my father."

"Oh, divorce?"

He shrugged, "Something like that."

A moment of silence passed between us before I asked again. "Have you guys found him?"

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