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Paxton Flynn

It seems like I'm imagining it. Sebastian and I sitting on the low cut, soft grass in Dean's private pool house, alone. Seems surreal.

I'm sitting beside him with a reasonable distance between us, gently sipping on my drink and staring at the blue pool in front of us. Sebastian was doing so, but it seemed as if his mind far away as the blue water reflected on his eyes. He looked so beautiful, it was taking me all my willpower to not stare at him longer than five seconds or worse, reaching out to touch him.

"Why did you invite me?" He ask still looking forward.

" because everybody was invited?"

He smirks, "answering a question with another question. Rude."

I smiled, "because everybody was invited and I didn't want you to miss out on school fun. Do you regret coming? Perhaps you have something better to..."

"That's not it, I don't think you personal invited everyone you know. It's not even your party. Confess."

"Gosh, bossy much. Ok, my friend asked me to invite you because you seem lonely and friendless. Happy now?" I say taking another sip off my drink.

He shrugged, "I was happy before. Anyway thanks."


"Being honest."

"Ah since we're being honest, why do you make yourself an island? I mean you arrived here months ago and haven't made a single friend." I think the alcohol is starting to get to me, I'm bolder.

"I like being on my own. Peopling gets tiring." He answers eating his cake.

I laughed, "I somehow agree but doesn't being alone gets boring too?"


"You should get a friend. It's healthy."

"Who then?"

I was taken aback by this. I'm I supposed to suggest a friend for him. "Um... I don't know, guys at the team, seatmate..."


I turned to him, making sure I didn't hear wrong. Then I blushed. "Uh... Yeah I guess. I could be a friend."

He chuckled bringing out gum, "you know its okay to say no, right?"

"I don't want to say no. It'll be great to be friends Sebastian."

"Cool." He gets up and I look at him quizzically. "Isn't this the part where we do some friendship handshake?"

I smiled getting up, "what kind?"

"I don't know, just shake hands and hit shoulders?" I nodded and we slapped hands together. His fingers were lean and long and went around mine. I blushed feeling some electric spark at the contact and then without warning, he pulled me to him, making body contact at our shoulders hit. But it wasn't just my shoulders on his, it was literally my whole body. We were literally hugging.

My heart flipped and I couldn't breath anymore. Well for five seconds I couldn't. When Sebastian separated us, I was breathing once more but I was beyond flushed.

"Flynn are you okay?" Sebastian asked and I wordlessly nodded. I looked at him and chuckle as I saw icing stuck on the top of his lip.

"You've got--" I pointed at it and he tired and failed to wipe it off. "Let me." I reached up and wiped it with my thumb. I stared at the icing on my thumb and I didn't know what to do with it. Do I wipe it on my jeans? It was just on Sebastian's lip so...

I did the most stupid thing ever. I licked off the icing, IN FRONT OF SEBASTIAN. When my brain realized what I just did, I looked at Sebastian and he was smirking at me with raised brows.

"Wow, that's--"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do with it and my jeans are new so. It looked yummy, I just... Wow, that cake sure must be great. Do you need water? I'll go get water." I rushed out quickly backing away from him.


"No. No need to protest, I'm gonna get the water anyway." I say creating more distance between us and looking at my feet in embarrassment.

"I wasn't protesting you're--"

I don't hear the last of Sebastian's words as I lose my balance and fall backwards, right into the clear blue chlorinated water. Its as I'm sinking that I realize that I should've been moving forward not backward if indeed I wanted to get Sebastian water to drink. After debating whether to surface or stay hidden under here forever, my instincts kick in and I swim up to surface spitting out water.

"God, I hate chlorine. God, I hate chlorine." I say wiping at my lips and glaring at my wet body. The sound of a hearty laughter breaks me out of my vex mood and I look up stunned at Crown.

He's looks way taller from down here and he has his head thrown back, Adams apple clear as night on his neck as he laughs. His eyes wrinkle up and I've never seen anything quite like it before. He has a beautiful sexy laugh and I couldn't look away.

"Oh Christ," he says reaching up to wipe mirth off his eyes. Then he takes long steps towards me and crouches down. "Do you purposely do it or its just a natural?"

I gulp breaking out of my staring trance. "Do what?"

"Be so fucking cute."

I playfully glare, "ah you find my misery cute?"

"Very." He says maintaining a ghost smile.

I nod, "that's good to know. Do you know how funny it is to see a guy dragged into a pool?"


I don't wait for him to catch on as my hand go around and pull him in. I burst out laughing, watching him tumble into the pool with a loud splash.

"Flynn!" He shouts resurfacing and just before I could start regretting my move on him, we hear someone play with the knob on the door.

My panicked eyes turn to Sebastian, silently yelling; we aren't supposed to be here!

The door opens and I feel pressure on my head, pushing me back into the water.

Did I mention, I hate chlorine?



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