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Paxton Flynn

I was waiting outside on the porch of my house. From standing in the driveway, I walked over here to sit before my legs go numb. The stupid weather is acting up again, the evening was getting chiller every minute.

Stupid Landon was supposed to pick me up, twenty minutes ago and he was a no show. I was waiting for him though, without him giving me a ride, I have no way of getting to Dean's house. My bicycle is a big no and more over, my eyesight isn't the strongest at night.

I whisked out my phone, texting him immediately with angered thumbs.

Pxn- bailing on me?

He didn't reply, I expected that. I rubbed my hands together looking down at my outfit again. I wore dark jeans that were ripped at the knee and a blue sweater. Last time I checked the mirror - twenty minutes ago- my hair looked fine. Unlike some other people, I didn't have stubborn tangled messed up hair. It usually obeyed me.

"Wohoooo!" I heard the loud cheering of boys and blasting music from afar and I signed getting up from porch and walking to the driveway.


"Flynn my guy!"

Some guys hollered in the car as Landon parked right in front of me. He opened the door and came out, staggering a bit before reaching me. "Sorry I'm late, someone threw up."

I frowned in disgust, "in the car?"

"Of course, I'd have been in jail if that had happen. For murder that is."

I chuckled nodding in agreement. Landon loved his car more than he loved himself. He threw a flask to me. "Drink up."

I stared at the flask then at the guys in the car. Landon smiled, "don't worry, its my personal flask."

"Yeah and who's gonna be our sober?"

"We'll figure that out, drink up." He says nudging me. Without more hesitation, I drew the flask down, gulping down some of its contents. My throat burned as the alcohol went down and I passed the flask back to Landon, getting into the car.

The ride to the party was quick and all through I was praying for us not to get caught or even sighted my someone in uniform. That would be terrible. We were breaking three rules already. Underage drinking, drunk driving and speed limit. I was so grateful when we finally pulled into Dean's house.

The house was packed filled with teenagers, even outside was loitered with people. Half naked drunk people.

"Do you think Ryder's here already?" Landon asked me, relaxing an arm on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I answered looking around but not for Ry. "Get off me," I shoved his arm off.

"Well I'm gonna go find Caroline or any other kissable girl." He slurs.

"Caroline doesn't come to--" I didn't bother finishing up my conversation because he was already walking away.

I rolled my eyes and forced my way pass the bodies of grinding teens. Just then I was ambushed.

"Paxton!" Ryder shouts wrapping her arms around me and pressing her lips to mine. I don't flinch as she kisses me for seconds before I pull her off with a smirk.

"Are you drunk?"

She smiles, "no, I was dared to kiss a guy. You're a life saver." Then she turned around and raised two thumbs up to some group that were watching her. After that she wiped at her lips, "yuck."

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