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Sebastian Crown

I was back in my room but it was without any furniture and completely empty. Its like a tornado swept through and took everything with it. I was tied up on the floor, my legs stretched in front of me and my hands behind me. It was super uncomfortable but I had more things to worry about than if I was ever going to be able to rotate my shoulder ever again.

Why was the Nanny with a gun? She killed someone right in front of me! My dad is supposedly dead too, did she kill him? What about my sisters? What the hell is going on?!

I struggled with the ropes but whoever tied them might as well have studied knots in Harvard. It wasn't bulging. The windows were shut tight and unbreakable, the balcony doors too were securely locked and there's a man, the size of a bouncer, standing right outside my door. I wonder if there's more like him around the house and even if there isn't, how the hell do I get out of here?

"Hey, is this some kind of kidnap?" I shouted as loud as I could, exerting strength that I should be saving up for more benefiting things.

As expected I got no answer. I sighed relaxing back on the war. On the bright side at least my brain isn't going to get fried anymore and I'm closer to Flynn. Paxton Flynn. God, I miss him. I can't wait to see him. I can wait to compliment him and see his pale skin turn red. I can't wait to run my hand through his short curls. I can't wait to see him look at me, his pretty eyes and pretty face. I can't wait to kiss him, hug him and just have him with me.

I barely felt the tear roll down. All those months I wasted being afraid. Quality time I could've spent with the most amazing human being I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. There are so things I want to him. So many ways I want to him. We don't even have picture together and I have nothing of his to call mine. Well, we did only become a couple for one day before disaster struck. When I get out of here, well do so many things together. We have our whole lives ahead of us and I'll never take any moment for granted, ever.

I continued thinking, dreaming and remembering my boyfriend, Flynn until the tiredness gets to me and I doze off to a place I'm really familiar with – darkness.


I was awake when I heard the footsteps and my mind that I thought had numbed out became active once more. It had to be the Nanny or the person who put her up to this. I waited on edge and when I heard her voice, I sort of relaxed. I dunno but the prospect of meeting some mustache mafia guy was scarier. However I didn't get to relax much because the next thing I know some blond guy who was carrying some other guy over his shoulder walked into the room.

I straightened up. "Who's that?"

Nanny who was behind them, smiled. "Which one?"

My heart beat spiked up as my eyes remained trained on the brown hair of the hopefully just unconscious guy. The clothes. The height... Oh God. I don't know when tears welled up in my eyes and I watched as the blond guy dropped him on the floor about two feet's away from me. Please don't be him. Please don't be him. God apparently was being deaf to my prayers because just as the guy tied the ropes on his hands, his head turned towards me – pretty eyes shut, hair falling over his face. Intentionally or not, I burst out crying.

"Oh shut it, he's not dead." Nanny said. "Yet."

But I couldn't stop. I don't remember a time I've cried so hard. It's like the tears were being pulled out of me. My one wish was to see Flynn and now he was literally two feet's away from me and I was here bawling my eyes. I wanted to see him but not like this. I didn't want him walking in on someone's shoulder. I wanted his eyes to open, big and bright as he smiled at him. Now he's tied up instead of being on his bed or with friends enjoying the weather.

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