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Paxton Flynn

My friendship with Sebastian Crown over the next few days became more intense. We were always together, either at his house, mine or at any other place we felt like being. And no, it's not because we were a couple or something more than friends, no. I think we would have been more but after my dad interrupted our moment, I haven't had the courage to confront him about it. I didn't want to be made a fool, by being wrong and I was a bit preoccupied with my parents noisiness.

My dad freaked out. Not because of he thought we were about to have sex but because he thought we were about to have sex on his beloved sofa. When he told my mum however, she was more concerned about the former and forced dad to call up a meeting for us three. That meeting could be described in two words; absolute mortification.

Mom forced dad to introduce me to condoms and lube. Seriously, I wanted to tell them that they were five years too late with the gay sex education. But I didn't, that would have increased the embarrassment. Mom even went as far as explaining constriction and contraction of the asshole, just in case I was bottoming. Then she explained hygiene and rimming. I had to fake tears to butt of the conversation, even dad looked close to tears.

Percy, as the duck that he is, eavesdropped on the conversation and wouldn't stop laughing at me. I'm so going to implicate him so he'll be at the receiving end one day.

Well, because of my recent hanging around with Seb, I've not seen Spencer. Seb always comes in the way and we haven't meet since our last date. We talked on phone and texted all the time. I didn't miss him that much but another blow job certainly won't hurt. But I'll pick getting mad at Sebastian, anytime anytime.

Today however, Spencer had insisted on coming to see me in my school and I accepted, I didn't want it to be as if I was avoiding him. He'd come with his car and pick me up, then we'll go off to somewhere.

"So what are we gonna do today?"

I looked away from my phone. "Uh, nothing."

Seb slung his arm around my shoulder, "I'm feeling Italian today." He wiggled a brow at me.

I felt a pull at my heart, I loved that he's inviting me out with him and being sweet but as much as I was tempted to now, I couldn't turn down on Spencer again.

"I can't." I asked freeing my self away from him as we stepped out of the school building.

"Why not?"

Just then the familiar car belonging to Spencer comes running into the school, forcing students to clear off the path. He packs in front of the building and I smile. "Because of that."

Sebastian takes a step in front of me, glaring at the car. "Who's that?"

"Spencer Caldwell." I say just as Spencer steps out of his car and looks around the school, smiling when he finally see me. He starts walking towards me and I hear Ryder groan from behind us.

"What's this now?"

I raise my brow at her and watch her leave Landon's side from behind us and walk directly to Spencer. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I raise my brow in absolute confusion and so do Sebastian and Landon.

"What's it to you?" Spencer asks her, glaring at her.

"You're in my school. Why?"

Spencer smirks, then looks up at me, "I came to pick someone."

"You're not referring to me." Ryder says and Spencer shakes his head.

"No, I'm referring to my boyfriend, Paxton Flynn."

I blink. Landon blinks. Sebastian let's off a sound that sounds very much like growl. Boyfriend?

Ryder turns to me with wide eyes and open mouth. "Paxton?"

"Um..." I'm unsure of how to react. I don't understand a thing. Why is Ry talking to Spencer like she knows him and why did Spencer call me his boyfriend?

"You're dating him? My stepbrother?!" Ryder practically shrieks out and I take a step back.

Landon and I exchanged a look, "What?!"

"S-Spencer's your brother?" I croak out, not believing my ears.

"What do you mean boyfriend?" Sebastian asks taking a step forward.

"What's it to you?" Spencer asks glaring at him.

Sebastian does a half smile, half smirk, half grimace sort of thing. "He is not your boyfriend."

"How sure are you and who are you? Let me guess, the asshole friend?" Spencer asks.


"Spencer..." I start but Seb puts a possessive hand over me, stopping me from moving.

"Let go of him."

"I think you need to leave." Sebastian says in a calm voice. I am confused.

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't like you and I said so."

"Look big guy, I'm dating Paxton now. Get your asshole hand off him." Spencer spats.

"I'm happy you know I'm the big guy. Wanna know what an asshole does?"

Spencer frowns and in a blink of an eye, Sebastian uses his head to hit clock Spencer right on the nose, sending him to the floor.

"Fuck!" Spencer yells clutching his nose as blood starts pooling out.

"Spencer!" I yell moving past Sebastian and rushing to his side.

"Yes!" Ryder shouts happily giving Sebastian a good pat.

I look at Sebastian and he has this near poker face on as he looks back at me. I don't understand what just happened but Spencer is hurt and I'm mad.

"What the fuck?!"


Drama *cackles like a witch*

So Spencer Tracey eh? Did anyone guess that? What do you think about him and Seb's fight? Did he deserve what he got?

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