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Paxton Flynn

Spencer's nose wasn't completely broken, it had a slight shift but he had reset it back to normal with a large cry. It didn't stop bleeding though and I truly felt sorry for him. I can't believe Sebastian did this although now I wasn't as mad as I was when I took Spencer's hand in mine and stomped out of his presence, ordering him to stay away. Now I was more calm and collected, just very confused.

"You'll need to see a doctor." I told Spencer handing him some more Kleenex for the blood.

He hissed in pain. "I hate doctors. I hate hospitals."

I sighed, "I'm so sorry Spencer, I'm sure Sebastian didn't mean to cause this much damage."

"What do you see in him? He's a bully."

I sighed again. "He's not. You shouldn't have called him an asshole."

Spencer looked up shooting me a disbelieving look. "You're defending him?"

For lack and confusion of emotions, I sighed once more. "Not really but... Why did you have to call him an asshole? You haven't even met him before." I glanced down at my feet. "In a way, you started it all."

Spencer looked as if he was going to say something but then thought against it. "I guess, I deserve it then."

"I am truly sorry. Sebastian's not one to mess with but I've never seen him hurt someone." I said, my face twisted in thoughts.

"He likes you." Spencer blurts inspecting the bloody tissue and throwing it in the trash with the rest. He touched his nose for more blood but it seemed to have ceased, then he turned to me. "He likes you Paxton. That's why I even called him an asshole. He likes you and yet he's not doing anything about it."

I shake my head. "He doesn't. Not like that."

"Fine, I won't press it or try to convince you because I like you too. A lot." He said looking at me with his clear eyes.

I subtly gulp, it felt good hearing him say that but now I was supposed to say something in turn but I was at a loss for words. Finally I settled for, "Thanks Spencer. Is that why you called me your boyfriend when we aren't dating?'

He smiled, " I'm sorry about that, I said that just to spite Ryder. I can't believe you're her friend Paxton that she's always going off to meet."

I smiled, "Same here. I can't believe you're a Tracey. That's wow."

He grimaced. "Trust me, I'll rather not be. That's why I haven't changed names yet."

"You don't like your new family?" I ask for the sake of curiosity and also for Ryder.

He looked up at me and smiled. "It's gonna take a while before I'm welcomed but let's not talk about my family. I'm sorry I ruined our day."

I looked around us, we were sitting in the school's green house and surrounded by plants and flowers. It was the first place that popped into my mind when I stomped off with Spencer. It was quite and peaceful. "It's fine, you don't get to apologize when you're the one with the broken nose."

He smiled again and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was gently and brief. "I'd better go see a doctor like you advised. It still hurts."

We walk out of the green house, heading back to his car. Sebastian, Ryder and Landon were already gone, leaving Spencer's car on it own in the almost empty school. "Good luck with the nose."

"Thanks. See you another time?" I nodded and he waved entering into his car and driving off.

When Spencer's car disappears out of sight, I look around me unsure of what to do now. My day plans have been scattered and now I'm at lose. Should I start the long walk back home? I checked my phone and saw a text from Ry.

Ry - I've gone home with Landon. WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO TALK and YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?! imma kill someone soon.

PS: Sebastian is still in school.

I rolled my eyes at her text, deciding to reply to her in person when we get to meet. Back to more important things, Sebastian is still in school? Doing what? Before long my legs starting walking in, and I'm searching for Sebastian all around. I found him in the gym throwing hoops.

I stood by the door watching him play. "You didn't go off with him?" Sebastian asked having sensed my presence.

"No. What are you still doing in school?" I asked going closer to him.

"Waiting for you."

"And what if I left with Spencer?" I asked raising a brow.

He threw the ball away and smirked at me. "I figured you wouldn't. You're not mad at me anymore, are you?"

I shook, "No, but you shouldn't have punched him though. Violence is not the answer."

He groaned, "Forget that bitch."

"Spencer's not a--" I was cut short as Seb pressed a finger to my lips.

"Don't say his name again."

I smirked, "or else what?"

"I might do something stupid." He says walking away to his gym bag.

"Like what? Punch me?"

"Never. Maybe kiss."

My heart skipped a beat but then I rolled my eyes, "and get repulsed?"

"Repulsed?" He asked in shock and surprise.

"Yeah," I kicked the floor with my foot. "Like the last time."

"Flynn, I wasn't repulsed." He said softly.

I couldn't look at him. "No need to deny, I'm not mad. I know you're straight."

Before I knew it he was standing right in front of me, cupping my face and making me look at him. "I wasn't repulsed."

I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I so badly wanted to say 'prove it' as my eyes lowered to him lips but I couldn't. Sebastian must have read my mind or my eyes were louder than I thought because his next action sent my heart to overdrive.

He leaned down and kissed me. His lips moved against mine and I just stayed frozen, his eyes were shut close and when he retreated, I still couldn't believe it.

"Do I look repulsed?" He asked his eyes still on me and my lips.

No, he looked like he wanted me. Just as much as I did. "W-what--"

"Ssh." Sebastian said with a small smile. "Kiss me."

He kissed me again and I let the backpack I was holding unto fall to the ground as my arms wrapped around him, returning the kiss.

"Let's go." He spoke against my lips.

"Where?" I literally moaned out.

"Your house."


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