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Paxton Flynn

I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning on my bed partly because of the stupid moans coming from the bathroom and partly because my mind was too occupied with thoughts of a certain Crown Prince.

I sat off my bed, gritting my teeth in anger as I stared at Percy's empty bed then stormed to the bathroom door, pounding it with all my strength.

"Keep it down there you Animal." The moans quietened down but I could still hear them, this time muffled down. Stupid sensitive ear. Stupid horny brother. Stupid room.

I returned back to bed and started flipping through magazines until Percy came out of the bathroom. I glared at him. "You know you're disgusting right?"

He smirked at me, bouncing on top his bed with a content smile. "That's my problem, not yours."

"I couldn't sleep. I was tortured with your stupid jacking off moans. Its a problem." I tell him.

He propped his arm up, resting his head on it. "What, would you rather I do it on my bed?" Christ. My disgusted face, made him smirk again. "See? And you were supposed to be asleep, its not my fault I can't get Janice's short skirt out of my head."

I sighed defeated, there's no talking this with Percy. "I hope you cleaned up nicely?"

He rolled his eyes ignoring my question. "What's got your boxers in a twist and is keeping you awake to yell at me over something I have no control over?"

I sighed again. "Sebastian found out I'm gay. I told him."

Percy furrowed his brow in confusion. "Was it a secret?"

"He didn't know. And after I told him, he didn't say anything. He just stared at me and I couldn't figure out what was going through his mind." I covered my face with a pillow. "I don't think he approves. He's a jock after all. All except Landon are homophobic assholes."

"I disagree."

"Oh, and you too I guess."

Percy tsked throwing a pillow at me. "Well, if he doesn't approve then he doesn't deserve your friendship. Don't beat yourself up because of any jerk."

You don't understand Percy, I'm in love with him. Its more than just a crush. I don't know how I jumped from hating him to being in love.

As if sensing my distress, Percy spoke up again. "And you don't know whether or not he approved. He could have been surprised into silence. Just like when I found out Janice liked me back, I couldn't speak for minutes."


"And you're putting all your eggs into Sebastian. Go out with other dudes and maybe you find someone cool, who'd waste their time on you."

I threw his pillow back at him and he caught it, chuckling slightly. Sebastian spent his precious time with me today. He liked me.

"Be nice to me. I'm about to hook you up." Percy said, tapping his head with a finger. "There's this new guy in my school, Spencer Caldwell, he's gay."


"You guys should go out. He's good looking and has that royalty aura you dig so much."

"I'm not interested." I tell him, turning around to drift back to sleep.

"I'm still hooking you both up. Maybe after you get laid, you'd finally forget Sebastian Crown. For good."

"Goodnight." He replies with a yawn and once he shuts his light off. My eyes snap back open.

Sebastian Crown.

Its safe to say that I didn't get much sleep that night. I thought about him until God knows when and when I finally did sleep. I had tears running down my face.


"You should have seen the way Paxton held onto him. It was so adorable." Landon said mimicking me from yesterday as he wrapped his hands around himself.

"You! You abandoned me. What kept you inside?" I asked him as we headed to our lockers after a very stressful gym class.

"I didn't abandon you." Landon countered. "After sorting things with Gregg and Sebastian, I came out and saw you both sitting on my hood. I didn't want to interrupt as I waited for you to be done talking. But the next thing I know, you're hopping off with him."

I shook my head in disbelief at him. And he nudged me, "Would have preferred I cut your time with him short? Tell me you didn't enjoy the ride?"

I blushed remembering the motorcycle ride with Sebastian and every moment we spent together. I was about to say something but then I turned to Ryder who has been unusually quiet. "Ry?"

She didn't respond, looking down at her Nick shoes and only snapped her head up to me after I called her for the fourth time. "Hmm?"

Landon and I exchange confused glances before he talked. "What's up with you?"

"Uh... Nothing. I'm fine." She says quickly flashing us a strained smile.

I crossed my hand in front of my chest. "Now I know something is wrong. We didn't ask how are you. You're saying you're fine when you are not. Spill."

She pouted and rested body on a random locker. "I have a step brother."

"What?" Landon and I asked at ones, our eyes widening at the new information.

Her eyes filled up with tears, "Dad's long lost son that nobody knew a thing about. I haven't had a single peaceful night at home, its been from one fight to another. Its a warzone back home."

It took a while before I found my voice to speak. "Since when?"

"This week. He's living with us now and if things were hard before, I don't know about now. Mum's threatening for a divorce and all and--" The tears were already rolling down and before she could finish up, Landon drew her into a hug.

"Hey it's okay. Don't cry." He said patting her wild hair down. She hugged him and broke down completely. Landon and I shared panicked looks and for once we didn't know what to do.

Ryder Tracey wasn't the kind of girl who broke down in tears in the school hallway. I've seen her cry a couple times but she always tries not too. She's pretty strong and always puts on a strong facade, no matter the situation. My sister's tears scared me and Ryder's own spooked me.

"Maybe you shouldn't go home for now." I suggested, my hand gently patting down her back.

"I was thinking the same thing." Ryder said tearing away from Lan and wiping at her tear stained face.

"You could crash at my place." Landon offered and I nodded in agreement.

"I'd go with you guys now but I've got detention." I say, for the first time regretting that I have to go to detention.

"Come over later?" Ryder asked hugging me and I nodded.

"Don't you cry without me. I don't want to miss out. I might even bring cameras." I say and she chuckles. We break free and I wipe at her cheeks with my thumb.

"Come on, I've got to change this shirt. I've got Ryder's fluid on me." Landon says looking at his shirt with a squeezed face.

"Shut up!" She says smacking him and they both start walking away. I smile at them knowing that Ry is going to be fine.

Now time to face Sebastian Crown.



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