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Sebastian Crown

I was getting used to this. The standing, cleaning, flashing lights, loud music and annoying humans. I can't believe I'm actually getting used to working at a bar. During my first week, I was so sure I was going to quit by the next week and find a more bearable job but I just kept postponing and postponing and hanging in there and now look at it, I've been at it for a almost a year now.

Plus it's the only job an undergraduate highschool senior like me could get that actually paid enough to buy at least one Gucci item.

Now that I look at it, I don't really need the money anymore. I'm eighteen and mum, no matter how much I protested, signed everything in the Crown's name over to me. I didn't want any of it, I didn't want to have anything other than blood to do with my late father but she insisted. It wasn't just my dad that worked for all we had, my grandfather did too, and my great grandfather too, so we couldn't just give everything over to charity.

Point is, I was now bloody rich and I could quit any day but then Flynn would fry my ass and I'd have nothing doing to keep myself busy and I'll be craving him all the time like I do bubblegum. Although I do crave him all the time but at least with work, I can't rush over at every free hour and the built up want, no matter how frustrating, does turn out great in the end.

God, I miss him.

"Hello," someone called, trying to grab my attention by snapping his fingers. "Over here please."


"Yes, how can I help you?" I ask, wiping on the already clean wooden counter separating the costumers from me and my drinks.

The guy in question just looked at me, lips parted a bit as his eyes roamed around everypart of me that he could see. I quirked a brow in askance wondering what the hell he was doing. When I saw him bite him lip, I finally got an idea and my face morphed into a frown.

"Anytime now." I snapped, unable to help myself. Him looking at me like that was just straight up annoying, Paxton's does it better and his is so cute, adorable and straight up hot.

"Uh," he gulped and raised. "Two margaritas please."

"Cool." I left to go get him his drink and I could feel him looking at me. Damn it, I wonder if there's any place in the rules that's against gouging someone's eyes out.

When I got the glasses, I slide the drinks over to him. He smiled at me and handed his pay over.

"So, Sebastian." The guy started, taking a sip with his eyes glued on me. I was about to ask how he knew my name but then I remembered my name tag. Flynn's girl friend had advised me to use a fake name, why didn't I listen? I raised a brow and he continued. "I was wondering if something else came along with the drinks..."

"Something else?"

"Yeah like, I don't know," he shrugged, "your number?"

If he didn't look so buff, I would've probably punched him but nothing said I couldn't give him the finger, right? He wasn't that short but I was taller, already an X. He had short hair dyed red, another X. He also had bulging muscles and looked like he could win a professional ring fight, another X. I could see tattoes around his arms and peeking out his shirt on his tanned skin, nothing wrong with tanned but I like mine as white as he was, spotless too so my marks stood out, so therefore... X.

What would Flynn do?

"No." Be polite. "Just the Margaritas."

He smiled, "I'm James."

"Congrats." I said distractedly, fixing someone else's drink.

"Come on, you won't even give me a listening ear?"

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