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Paxton Flynn

I snuggled in closer to the warm body, smiling to myself like a mouse on hash cheese. There wasn't anything remotely funny. In fact nobody was uttering a word and yet I was smiling and getting the fluttering feelings in my tummy.


"Huh?" I crane my neck to catch a glimpse of his fine fine face.

"Why are you smiling?" He asks his voice hoarse and lips pink. After math of chewing on his usual gum that I had to force him to throw out.

I don't bother asking him how he knew I was smiling. Mostly because I had trouble looking away from his pink hot lips. It's like I can practically taste the gum on him. "Why are you?"

"Because you are." He replies, then tightens his hand around me and shutting his eyes with a satisfied sigh. "It's cute."

"Shut up." I mumble, my cheeks igniting up.

"Did he really take it well?" Sebastian asks after a minute and the smile on my face drops at the thought of Spencer.

I don't hate him, not at all. I just feel super bad. Someone actually liked me. After all this while, an actual very good looking guy fell for my sorry ass. I know what unrequited love feels like and I hate that I'm the one doing this to Spencer. He must feel horrible. I shouldn't have led him on. I am a horrible person. Spencer's great and deserves a good guy that won't use him. I just hope he's really okay with everything.

I turn around in Sebastian's arms, so I'm facing him with his arms still around me. He opens his eyes and I feel myself drowning into his amazing blue gray eyes. It's so enticing.

"I'm a horrible person." I confess.

"You're not." Sebastian counters without missing a beat.

"I feel like one." I say, still keeping my eyes locked on it. "Its a new feeling you know. Getting admiration from someone and not wanting it. I'm used to being on the receiving end of unwanted feelings. Being a heartbreaker sucks."

Sebastian smirks, "you better get used to it. You're gonna be breaking a lot of hearts. You're gonna get lots of admiration when you get to leave this small town because believe it or not, you're one amazing sexy head turner."

I giggle and shield my face away from his view. I feel so happy, it's like I'm gonna cry. Who would've thought that I would be getting such a compliment from Sebastian Crown? If someone had told me this months ago, I would have never believed them.

I sigh, "I don't know if Spencer took it well. He still thinks you're an asshole and I think he believes Ry is the cause of our split."

"He'll get over it. You're mine now."

My breath gets caught in my throat. "Y-yours?"

"Mmm." He nods, his lip tugging up. "Would you rather be someone else's?"

I shake my head. Any other person would have said something in the likes of, 'I don't belong to anyone. I'm my own self' but not me. I find Sebastian's possessive attitude to be one of the hottest things about him – amongst others – and I really don't mind him putting a claim over me. I want it even.

He laughs and I blush in embarrassment. "Shut up." I smile, using my hand to push a stray lock of hair away from his face. "I'll only agree to that, if it means you're mine too."

He smiles moving his face closer. "Deal." He moves as if he's gonna kiss me but then abruptly stops, sighing into the pillow. "I know you'd like to date."

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