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Paxton Flynn

I remember my first and only breakup. It was a relationship that lasted 7 months. God, remembering the whole thing made me want to throw up. I wasted valuable time, feelings and all the bullshit valuable first on that idiota.

Jared Bohen, I don't think I can forget the first day I saw him. It was also the first day I witnessed my parents fighting. The day started up horrible, Percy and I woke up to their shouting down, mum was even crying and throwing insult at Dad. Percy and I actually thought a divorce was on its way. I went to school distraught and my thoughts were occupied. I could hardly concentrate, thinking of all the trouble heading our way, remembering all the stories I've heard from kids with separated parents and trying to put myself in their shoes. I couldn't.

Jared was an assistant coach and that was his last week in school. I was just walking by and I literally bummed into him. It was fireworks at first sight. He was the most attractive guy I had ever seen back them and compared to some, he had muscles and wore glasses. He came off as a caring teacher, wanting to know what's wrong with me. I broke down in his presence, crying my heart out and telling him every disturbing thing going on in my head.

He took me to his office and that was the first move made to create a ripple of disasters. The first bad thing to happen. He actually gave me good advice and was able to lift my spirits. Jared was a very story teller, he was funny, lively and had a lot of energy. During my free period he would sometimes take me out, we'd go window shopping, actual shopping, lunch anything at all. Anything at all to get my spirits up. We became really good friends and we could tell each other about anything.

Because of him I started attending football matches and actually paying attention, I usually attend just so Lan would see me as the supporter that I'm claiming to be. After a score in our favour, Jared would turn to me, pump a fist up and even wink. I was a new in this gay thing and he apart from Lan was the only guy paying attention to me. It couldn't be helped, I was developing a big crush that couldn't be stopped.

I almost cried when he was leaving the school but he promised we'd keep in touch. And he kept his promise alright. We met after school, on weekends, anytime we were both free, doing all sorts of things. I even helped him pack into his college room, he didn't have any roommates and together we shaped the room to his taste. It's the community college so meeting up wasn't going to so hard.

Somehow he caught up on my crush to him and started being all flirty and touchy. I should have run then because he was Nineteen and I Sixteen. He kissed me first and I immediately curled into a hole but as the sweet tongue guy he is, he assured me that everything was fine. He said he wouldn't do anything until I was ready, he just wanted me happy and loved me. I eventually gave in, I liked him too and finding guys that liked me too was so rare, I thought it impossible.

The first month of our relationship was splendid. We didn't do anything but kiss, hold hands, text. Jared was actually keeping his promise and I saw him as the best boyfriend ever. Ryder was against it of course, she hated the teacher student thing but he didn't work in our school anymore so I figured it okay.

Things started to change along the way and Jared started demanding more and more. He wanted to kiss longer, he wanted my clothes off, he wanted me to touch him in places I wasn't comfortable with yet. When I'd show some resistance, he'd remind me of other gay relationships, how many people fawned over him, how he had many options, girls and boys alike. How he wasn't made of wood and how... he just wanted to show me how much he loved me.

We did things together with or without my full consent. Jared always said laws had nothing to do with love. So despite me being freaking sixteen, it didn't matter as long as we loved each other. We had sex, a couple times. My no and tears meant nothing. I spaced out more recently and I was seriously dropping in my school work. Sometimes the pain won't let me think of anything else and I'd find myself crying. But I couldn't leave him, he said actually mustering the heart to spring tears to his eyes. We loved each other and were meant to be.

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