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Sebastian Crown

I could hear footsteps all around me. Someone was shouting and it was like some background noise to me, amidst the beeping sounds that seemed to be engraved in my mind. Like some kind of song, I don't even know if the sound is really going on up until now or if it's so stuck into my brain, I can't get rid of it.

My eye lids fluttered open and shut back. I felt so tired, its like ice cubes were resting on my eyes making them numb and heavy. I tired once more and I actually managed to keep me eyes open up to two seconds, then it shut again. Whatever I'm on must be really strong, only my brain seems to be active and driving me fucking crazy. Where the hell am I?

I lost consciousness once more and I had no concept of time. When I opened my eyes next, however, I was able to actually keep it open and look around. There were white lights all over the ceiling, put there to probably roast my retina. I shut my eyes again but opened it and soon I could actually squint and see things. I could see a heart monitor and a couple other machines. I could see a blood bag - I'm I giving or taking? Things were connected to my hands and head too.

Then my active slow brain started recalling the memories of the last hours, days, months? My dad picked me up from school saying we needed to talk. I followed and got home to see him already packing up my things. He threw pictures of Flynn and I kissing at my face and refused me to explain or get a word out, shouting about how I'm a disgrace, how he regrets having me and how we're leaving immediately.

That's when I lost it. I told him I couldn't leave and I was in love with Flynn and would rather he disowned me. Then I felt it, a sharp piercing pain on my neck and almost immediately I lost functions of my limbs and last saw the helicopter before sinking into darkness. Next I know we were here and Dad was saying something about curing the gay out of me, then electromagnetic brain shock. I opposed and fought but as soon as a word left my mouth I was pumped with juices that sent me back to darkness.

They were going to fry my brain. If I didn't die or turn into a vegetable in the process, then I'll forget the last year of my life. I'll forget Paxton Flynn. Flynn! What kind of father is this?!

"G-Get Get me out of here." I groaned trying to get up but it was no use. I couldn't feel anything. My eyes rolled back and soon tears were rolling down. "Please."

My eyes closed up once more but that didn't last long because I was soon jolted awake by a loud bang. My eyes opened wide in fright and shock. Gunshot? Who would bring a gun to this facility? The shouting increased and soon a nurse that I've definitely seen before rushes in with panicking.

"What's going on?" I ask slowly, forcing the words out.

"Mr Crown we have to get you out of here. Your father's been killed and the institution is under attack." The woman rushes out as she brings a key to open the cuffs on my hand. I hadn't even noticed them.

The door burst open and before any of us could open our mouth, another bang was heard. I watched the nurse in shock as a red stain appears on her white gown, it spreads and she falls backward, dead.

"Don't bother looking at that one. She's gone." A very familiar voice says and it takes me about a minute to tear my eyes away from the dead nurse and to the door.

A slightly round woman stands there with a smirk on her lips and a gun on her hands.


She looks at me for a second before tossing her head back and laughing loudly. "Nanny?" Her eyes look at me in amusement. "Oh that's right, you don't even know my name, do you?"

"W-wh-wh--" I couldn't get a word out.

She walks towards me and my heart stops in fear. "Calm down Sebby boy, nanny won't hurt you. We have so much time to talk but for now we gotta leave."

I frowned, masking my face up. "Where to?"

She smiled, "where else? Home, of course." Then she roughly pulled at one of the tubes connected to my hand. I barely register the pain but once I see the blood dropping on the white tile, my eyes roll back again and I'm plunged back to darkness.

I hope you're fine. Please be fine, and I'll fight to be. Please be fine, Flynn.


Short chapter, I'm sorry. I was going to write Pax's POV too but it felt right to end here and my hands are shaking.

What do you think is going on? I love hearing your theories. Makes my day.

PS: yesterday was a somewhat good day (my birthday) and today I'm bawling my eyes out. My best friends mother died this morning - we share our birth date.

Don't worry I'll still update cause if I don't write, I might go crazy.

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