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Sebastian Crown

My hands swiftly danced around the controller with my eyes fixed on the television. So far, my opponents and I had one goal in each and I needed to win this round. My mind wasn't fully here though, unfortunately I kept remembering that I had an essay to write that was due tomorrow morning.

"Seb, Cleo's chewing gum." My sister-- one of my sisters say her loud small voice barely registering to me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked still looking at the TV screen, "how does that have anything to do with me?"

"She's chewing a gum and I'm not. You gave her and you didn't give me." She accused.

"I didn't give anything to anyone." I answer absentmindedly, narrowing missing a chance to score my victory goal.

Suddenly instead of the screen I'm staring at a little -clearly pissed - brown hair girl. Her big grey eyes were narrowed at me with her hands crossed in front of her. "Then how do you explain it?"

"Calista, move away." I say trying to see past her. I should have known its Calista, only her confronted and accused me at all times.

"No. Be fair."

I sighed, dropping the pad in defeat. "I didn't give Cleo gum."

Her face twisted up like she was going to cry, "I've been asking you and you wouldn't give me but you go ahead and give Cleo, who does that? It's not fair!"

"Ugh, fine." I got up and she smiled leading the way to where I supposed Cleo was. I found them sitting on the plush carpet in their playroom. Cleo had cards in front of her - cards I'm sure she had no idea how to play. Chloe and Candice were building something with Lego. Cleo looked up as we got in and sighed.

"Where have you been? Your cards won't play themselves you know." Cleo said fixing Calista a bored look. True to Calista, she was chewing on a gum.

I sighed squatting down to her, "Cleo, where did you get that?"

She gasped and looked away to shoot her sister with a glare. Then her grey eyes returned to me. "I found it on the kitchen counter."

"Why didn't you leave it there? Or return it?"

She looked down in remorse and I sighed. "Mum said I shouldn't give you guys gum anymore."

"Mum knows nothing." Candice blurts out and when I look at her, she looks away fumbling with her fingers. She's the shyest one among the quads, the most quiet and gentle. Chloe bursts out laughing and the other two join her, Calista chuckling lightly.

"Mum knows nothing huh?" I ask with a smile. When I see there's no other way out, I bring out my precious gums and give three of them. Turning to Calista, I ask, "fair now?"

She smiled, "Thanks brother."

"Thanks Seb." Chloe and Candice chorus as I leave the playroom.

Having four identical sisters is a big deal and I know that giving them gum would come bite me in the ass later. I give on playing football and go up to my room to start on my essay. The minute I open up to book to start something, all thoughts pertaining education fly out and Paxton Flynn comes to mind.

Paxton Flynn.

I've been thinking about him a lot lately. And I'm not sure if my thoughts are innocently friendly. Things changed when I found out he was gay. Up until now I still can't wrap my head around it.

Flynn's gay.

Cute, lovely, intelligent small kid Flynn is gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay, I have nothing against it. But really? It complicates things for me. I can't really explain how I feel. But I feel something alright and its not funny. I remember the last time I felt things for a guy who turned out to be gay, it wasn't pretty. I don't want to relive that moment.

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