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Paxton Flynn

"Tu es mignon."

I grinned shaking my head in amazement. "I can't believe you can speak four different languages and fluently for that matter."

"Not to brag but I'm learning Mandarin so, it'll soon be five." Spencer said smiling at me.

"I'm amazed. Why and how are you learning all this languages?"

"How, I take different extra classes on them and Why?" He shrugged. "I'm amazed be different cultures, they are interesting and I hate feeling left out. I'd love to travel to a lot of places one day and actually stand a chance of being welcomed. Plus, languages help in the act of wooing."

"Oh really?"

"Yup," he sits up straight. "Spanish is the language of love, French is sexy, Russian is hot."

I burst out laughing, "True, true. Then what's Mandarin?"

He pouted stroking his chin as he thought about it. "I'm not sure... maybe lust?"

"Maybe. You won't find out until you get to use it on someone." I said turning the straw in my Frap.

"Yea." He glanced at me and smiled, "What about you? Any other languages?"

I shake my head. "Unfortunately, no. I've been taking Spanish since forever but I only know it on paper, I can't speak for the life of me."

"Lo conseguirás eventualmente" Spencer said placing a hand over mine and the only thing I could pick was 'eventually'.

"Nice. I can't help but wonder how many guys you've managed to woo with your language talent."

He looked down at his drink. "Not the right ones, I assure you." I didn't say anything and he took the hint to elaborate. "The guys don't actually like me, they just stay for my other talents and I end up hurt and wounded in the process."

"Tell me about it." I say throwing my head back with a sigh. "I've not had good past relationships either."

He stayed silent watching me and I continued. "My last relationship was with this college dude and he treated me badly. I guess I was stupid to think that a college guy would ever be interested in sophomore student. It was stupid, I barely got out unscathed."

"I'm really sorry about that Paxton, anybody that can't like you must have a screw loose because you're an awesome guy." Spencer said and I smiled.

My attention returned to a girl who squealed rather too loud and jumped on top her boyfriend just because she managed to bring down have the pins while bowling. Spencer and I were at the bowling alley but we weren't doing any bowling. We were just lodging around, eating, drinking and talking. The girl's boyfriend was tall and in good shape, he had a white polo on and I immediately remembered Sebastian. I smiled. "Yea, well, some of them don't have a screw loose."

Spencer raised his brow and I cleared my throat. I didn't want to bring Sebastian into this date but now he was stuck in my mind and I wanted to talk about him. Spencer might as well know what he's dealing with. "Okay, there's this guy in my school, I like him a lot but he's straight and doesn't feel the same way. He's an awesome guy and I don't have anything against him."

"How do you know he doesn't feel the same way?"

I shrugged, "We've kissed, twice." I blushed, looking down at my feet. "He didn't like it that much and got... repulsed?" I shrugged again, "something like that."

"Twice?" Spencer asked in disbelief. "Well if he kissed you back all two times then he's an asshole."

"What?" I looked up sharply at that, watching Spencer drink up his drink. Seb's not an asshole.

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