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Paxton Flynn

I'm such a fool. I'm a big fool. I even deserve an Oscar award for my foolish, recklessness and naivety. I screwed up big time. This is the act that tops all other acts.

I can't believe I kissed Sebastian again. I can't believe I got mad at him for rejecting me and I stormed off. I can't believe I actually screwed this badly in one day. What kind of a person kisses a straight guy and get mad when the straight guy rebuffs? What kind?

I've sometimes thought of getting a tattoo but I'm too scared to actually go through with it and I don't know what I'm gonna get even but now I'm sure. I'm gonna ink 'Sebastian Crown, the bubblegum prince, is NOT gay' across my chest. Its perfect. That way I can always look down at my chest and refrain from doing stupid things. Although I was disappointed in myself, I was also mad and hurt. I was really hurt.

Sebastian was disgusted at me. He was so repulsed that he couldn't even look at me. I actually drove him to that stage. I've broken us. Tears welled up in my eyes and this time I couldn't stop them from falling. I was rolled up at a corner of my room crying my eyes out. He was actually repulsed by me.

I shouldn't have kissed him and more tears flowed as I realized that I didn't regret any bit of it. I'm really pathetic. I'm not going to beat myself over the fact that he kissed me back and we actually delved into a full on make out session. I know why he kissed me back and got lost into it.

Although many people think that Sebastian Crown is just a stubborn, jerkass, arrogant, heartless bad boy, they are wrong. Especially about the heartless part, he has a big heart from what I've noticed and he's pretty awesome. He's so kind that he can't push me away when I shamelessly come unto him. He probably doesn't want to hurt my feeling. I know how Horny Landon gets when he hasn't got laid in weeks. Sebastian doesn't hang out with anyone except me and that's recently. I can only imagine how horny he is. He was probably thinking of a girl –the one he went on a date with – while making out with me.

That hurt more than I'm ready to let on. I should even be grateful. Thank God he stopped things before anything progressed, I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if anything serious happened and I later found out he was thinking of a girl all through.

The door to my room opened up and Percy strolled in. I quickly wiped at my face, removing all evidence of tears. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"What happened? Its that's Sebastian again right?" Percy asked walking closer.

I wanted to open up and tell him. But even I am getting disgusted with myself and its kinda embarrassing. "No. Its not him."

"Gosh, I'm starting to hate that dude." Percy says, falling on his bed. "Should I call Spence?"

"No!" I say sharply, turning to him. "Please don't."

Percy raised a brow at my outburst. "Why? Don't you like him anymore?"

I sigh, "it's not that. Its just I really don't want to see him in this state of mind. Maybe next time."

Percy keeps his eyes on me longer, until I look away. "Pax, Spencer likes you, a lot. Stop hurting yourself for someone who doesn't and open up to someone who does. Especially if you don't want me to break his head open."

I crack a smile. "Thanks Percy." If only it was that easy.

He nods getting off the bed. "Okay freshen up, Patricia wants to eat something that's not in the fridge and I can't make it."

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