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a/n : thanks for the feedback on my little name change debate. I really appreciate and I guess 'My bubblegum Prince' stays.

Paxton Flynn

My dad was out of town. He was going on a chef business trip to another country, something about a celebrity wedding. The good thing was he'd come back with loads of cash. The bad thing was the house would be parent free, to any other teenager this would be a dream come through but to me it was horrible.

No more healthy home made delicious mouth watering food. Percy brought more friends home and locks himself in the room with his new girlfriend. I get to cater, care and babysit Tricia.


I was consoled by the fact that dad left the fridge packed filled with food and snacks, and Ryder was always coming over to help with Tricia since her house was now —in her words, a warzone.

Other than that, my life was okay. I still aced my grades and was still friends with the love of my life, Sebastian Crown. Or at least I think so.

Sebastian and I kissed. As in I kissed him, freaked out. Then he kissed me and I can kiss him back and it went on until I was sure my mind was going to explode. I don't know how it happened but I'm filing it under miracles in my life. Its like I had a fairy god mother in one side trying to surprise and aww me by making my far stretched wishes come true.

I hadn't seen much of him after that. I left his house all giddy and even gave him a hug. I didn't know what the kiss was but I planned to exploit the it's okay to kiss friends thing until he falls in love with me or I tire myself out. But I didn't get the chance to. I never see him in school again and if I do, he's busy. We still text and talk over to fun but neither has had time to see. I didn't want to think he was avoiding me and Ryder said;

"Its okay, maybe he got overwhelmed and needs some time to become friends with benefits or maybe he truly has a tight schedule. Don't be clingy Pax, relax."

And relax I've tried to. I was sitting in front of the TV digging into a bag of chips as I watched Riverdale, falling in love with the Jughead character every minute. It was a Saturday afternoon and Percy had gone out. Tricia was at a daycare and Ryder was at work. She promised to pick up Tricia after and come over here for a sleepover.

My phone beeped with a text message and all thoughts about Jughead flew out the window as I quickly reached for it on the table with growing excitement. — growing excitement that died immediately I saw who the text was from.

Percy- are you still at home?

Me- yeah, why?

Percy- nothing, just curious.

I groaned in annoyance and was about to just shut my phone and throw it to the sofa but on second thoughts...

Me- hey.

Minutes past by with no response and when I released a sigh prepared to toss the phone to the sofa, a reply came through.

Crown Prince - hi

I smiled straightening up on the sofa. My heart leaped from joy and the smile on my face seemed permanent.

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