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Paxton Flynn

These were one of the days I wished I had a car and also one of the days I hated Percy most. Just because he did the grocery shopping last time didn't mean that he couldn't do it again this time. I mean what's the need of rationing if he's the only one with a four wheeled means of transportation. Granted it was practically a junk jeep but it was still better at shopping than my poor bicycle.

"You aren't gonna waste any more time?" I asked Landon as we walked into the boys locker room, I, reluctantly following behind him.

"You already waited all through practice are you seriously going to back out now?" He asked stopping in front of his locker.

I lowered down to the bench, "no, but I'll rather not waste any more time. I've got a psych essay to write."

He shook his head at me, pulling his sticky dirty shirt over his head, "Five more minutes top. I won't sleep in the shower."

I sighed as I watched him walk away. I don't really get to complain, he was doing me a favour. Offering to drive me to and fro the grocery store when he had no business there. I had no other option anyway. It's either Landon or the bus. I remember the last time I took the bus, the glares I got from people are enough to scar me for life.

"Would you look at that, Paxton Flynn?"

I looked up and saw Gregg Gough walking towards me half naked with a sly smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with some devious idea. I sighed getting off the bench. Gregg Gough is one of the nasty people walking upon the face of the earth. He is a school bully and always picks on me whenever he gets the chance. In summary, he's quite pathetic and doesn't have a life.

"That's my name." I tell him, looking up at him and trying to figure out what he has planned.

"Who the hell let the fag into the locker room? Did you come to spy on us Paxton? Gay porn isn't enough for you?" He asked and some of his equally nasty friends snickered around him.

"There's nothing remotely admirable about you and this is coming from me who's gay." I tell him and his friends ooh and aah. His glares at me and his hand reaches out to shove me.

"Watch it Paxton, I won't let you come here to eye rape us all and then leave scar free."

"I wasn't--" I don't get to finish my sentence as Gregg shoves me harder and I slam into the locker and fall down to the bench with a painful groan.

"You don't get to speak Faggot. You fucking creep!" Gregg spats out fisting up my shirt and dragging me up.

"Let go of me Gough." I say looking up wishing for five minutes to rush by now.

"What are you going to do about it? Huh Paxton?"

"Didn't you hear him? He said to let go." The familiar voice of Sebastian Crown says as he comes into view. He's fully dressed with a towel hanging over his neck. My heart leaps as I see him, looking just as handsome as always. Even more.

"Crown?" Gregg asks shoving me away and turning to Sebastian. I land on the tile floor and bite down a groan. "You're standing up for the fag? What's this?"

Sebastian turns to me with raised brow and I look away ashamed to meet his eyes. I hate that he has to see me like this and hear them pick on me.

"Fag? What fag?" Sebastian asks taking slow steps towards Gregg. He's taller and Gregg takes a few steps back.

"Paxton of course. Can't you see--" Gregg doesn't finish as Sebastian shoves him.

"The only thing I see is a Sissy who won't pick on someone he's own size. You want to fight?" He ask with a low voice that screams danger!

The other boys that were laughing before all turn away clearly scared of Sebastian.

"What's going on?" Landon asks coming out the shower, half dressed. "Sebastian?"

I don't wait to hear what any of them would say and I jump up to my feet and run out of the boys locker room. I shouldn't have gone in. Nothing good ever comes from going in there. I'm grateful that Sebastian was there to save me but at the same time, I'd rather he wasn't present at all. He heard them call me a fag. What would he think now?

I walk around aimlessly around the parking lot waiting for Landon to show up so I can leave this school and maybe never return. After going around his car for the eight time, I bump into his body finally and stagger back.

"Finally, what took you so--" My eyes meet ones that are obviously not Landon's. "Sebastian?"

He smirks, "Sorry to disappoint?"

"No-- I wasn't-- what are doing--"

He exhales and leans on Landon's car emitting a kind of nonchalance that I find incredibly hot. "I saw you walking around here, mumbling and I just had to come before someone else sees you and transport you to an asylum."

I stare at him and its as if am dreaming him up. He looks so good. Too good. He smells like fresh shower, axe and strawberry. As usual, he's chewing a gum and he has this nonchalant expression on his face. My hand reaches out and brushes his wet hair out of his face. He turns to me in askance and amusement and I blush back to reality.

"Sorry." I say looking away. When he's like this, it becomes harder to hide my feelings.

Sebastian chuckles, "Its no problem Flynn, lots of people love my hair too." I smile at him and relax on Landon's hood too. "What's wrong with you? Is that locker incident that's still bothering you?"

I turn to him wondering why he's not asking me any questions. Any other person would be firing questions at me, curious about the fag title. But then this is Sebastian Crown and not any other person. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Really? Because we could go back and set things straight with that guy." He says and his concern makes me smile.

"I'm fine Crown. But Landon is running late and that's upsetting." I said looking behind us and frowning as I don't see Landon.

"Who's Landon and running late for?"

"Landon Mitch, my friend. He's supposed to drive me to the grocery store."

"Grocery store?"

"Don't you dare say anything." I warn and he raises both hands up. "I was forced."

He get up the hood with a smile. "There's nothing to say and I could give you a ride."

I look at him in disbelief, "really? On your motorcycle?"

"Erm, my back works too but giving you a piggy back might look strange." He says then he sees my face and sighs, "Of course, my motorcycle."

"Wow." I jump off the hood, excitement crawling through my veins. I check for Landon one last time and when I don't see him, my grin is face splitting. "Well, what are we waiting for?"


Zoom Zoom

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