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What is the most important thing in the battlefield?

A light shade of blue colored the sky stretching towards the horizon. The absence of clouds made it a perfectly clear sky where all under it gleam.

The wind blew gently across the land. The rustle of tree leaves and the chirping of birds turned into a soothing song in the forests.

Is it strength? Speed? Strategy? Or perhaps an unyielding heart?

The sun graced the bountiful land with its light and warmth, blessing all living things under it with vigor.

So brightly it shined, some light managed to pass through the thick canopy of the forest, giving animals, monsters, and other creature sufficient light to navigate their way through the natural labyrinth.

Yes, those are indeed important. You would need sufficient physical abilities and mental capabilities in order to come out in triumph.

A single diagonal column of light which managed to pass through the gaps between the forest's canopy shined a certain human.

A young male sit quietly under the shade of a tree.

The wind that provided a gentle breeze for the denizens of the forest blew his black hair, which shone just like starry night as it reflected the sunlight.

However, those can only take you so far. The most important thing in the battlefield is...

His chest rose and fell according to the rhythm of his breathing. The tempo in which it went shows that he was peacefully asleep.

His lean and slightly slender body, clothed by a black collared shirt, leaned comfortably against a thick trunk of a fairly large tree. His lower half clothed in black colored long jeans. A picturesque scene of a perfectly calm young man resting.


The wind, which blew gently until now, blew slightly stronger, moving away the tree leafs which were creating a shade for the young man under it.

The column of light, which were shining gently on the young man's feet providing him with just enough warmth to keep him comfortable in his sleep, now shone brightly on his face.

His face wasn't that of a rustic man, but is not that of a young boy to. One can consider his face an innocent and handsome face of a young man which treated the eyes well.

Grasping the intentions of your enemy is the most vital thing in the battlefield.

The sudden change in luminosity on his eyes surprised him. His bangs were long, but not enough to cover his eyes. His eyes clenched tighter in an attempt to lessen the brightness of the sun, realizing the futility of his action the next moment.

Such sudden change in brightness proved to be enough to wake the young man. He rubbed his eyes gently with one hand and blinked several times in order to get his eyes to adjust to the brightness of his surrounding the next moment. The scene which greeted him was unfamiliar.

As a popular quote by Sun Tzu in the Art of War "If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

The young man, opened his eyes for the first time. He looked in front of him and was shown a pond about 5 meters across with clear water. He then turned to his right and left, only to see a sea of trees.

He then returned his gaze towards the direction right in front of him, not particularly staring at an object, and froze.

Such scenery was able to make the man which is hailed as the genius who achieved the peak of the business world, froze. Such was the bizarreness of the current situation right now to him.

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