Chapter 8: Sigyn

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Cursing souls was an entertaining thing to do when life's other pleasures were ruined. I did it with joy.
There, one the throne I had coldly made mine, contemplating my lost lover, I spent my time. Some, far up in the despicable realm named Asgard, said I was petrifying here. Little did they know...

A servant entered the throne room.

"My mistress." He bowed. "Your precious rose lost another petal, the third one, to be precise."

This could not be happening, he could not fall for her! Especially not for a mortal! I felt my powers weaken with every fallen petal. It was a pathetic state. So pathetic that everyone seeing it was bound to die. Not one soul should know how weak their queen was becoming. I had to stop it.

"WHAT?!" I enjoyed screaming at servants. They shivered at my voice. I hit the armrest and rose. I approached the slave and grabbed him by his neck, painfully. He looked disgusting. Only the monsters were banished to me. "Tell me exactly what happened, now." I enforced, loosening my grasp. He fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"I-I do not know, your highness. I was looking after the rose, as you told me to do. A-and then, when I entered the room, I heard someone saying 'I adore you. I cherish you. Never will I love someone as much as I love you.' It was echoing through the room and then one of the purple petals turned black, withered and f-fell." He cried.

"How many petals are left?" I asked without so much as lowering my gaze.

"I do not know, your majesty. I do not know." He claimed whimpering. What a bastard.

"For your ignorance, you shall die." I pronounced. He begged and pleaded, but that only made it better. I put my fingers on his chest, made his heart freeze in mid-motion.

That is what usually made my day. Pain and Agony and Death. These friends were tremendously comforting when one had nothing else to do.

Apparently, I had to take matters into my hands.

(Loki's/Tom's P.O.V.)

This room seemed endless. The walls were painted gold and the marble floor was flawless. Looking around me, I only then noticed an impressive throne, at least four meters high another couple of meters wide. It was underneath me. Again I was wearing my now well-known armor with the green cape and a staff in my hand. The helmet I wore was horned and heavy, my neck hurt from its weight.

This crushing weight.

"Loki... Where are you, dear...." There was a female voice calling for someone, but I could not see anybody. I stood up and walked across the room, searching for the source of this voice. It was a clear voice, somehow very alluring, but haunting. I did not like it.

"Who are you?" I yelled out.

As response, I heard that woman chuckling. How frustrating! I was growing impatient. Suddenly, as if she had heard my thoughts, she came out from behind a pillar. Wow, she looked stunning wearing a jet black, long coat with her blond hair pinned up. She was tall, as tall as Caroline, but her beauty had no chance against Caroline's. Her face was flawless, but those eyes. They looked less beautiful because of the evil in them.

"Don't you remember me? I am someone you used to like a lot." She said arrogantly and laughed again.

"E-excuse me, Madame, I am afraid I do not understand." I responded sincerely. She approached me and touched my cheek with her cold fingers. I wanted to pull away, immediately. Impossible.

"I am Sigyn, Goddess of Death and Jealousy."

Then, she dug her nails into my skin and scratched my cheek.


I woke up, sweating. It was merely a dream. But a burning sensation belied this. Somehow, my cheek hurt a lot. I took my hand away from Caroline's and touched my face. As I pulled it back, it was covered in blood. I jumped jerkily out of the bed, waking Caroline up in the process. I ran to Xenia's mirror and stared at my skin. My left cheek was covered with four long, crimson scratches.

"Oh my." I whispered to myself. How did that happen? She was not real, was she?

That demonish beauty, the woman claiming to be a goddess... Sigyn.

"Tom!" She was immediately by my side. "Who did this to you? I swear if Xenia has anything to do with this - "

"It was not Xenia." I interrupted her quickly before she could curse. "Then who?"

"Caroline, I had a dream. More of a nightmare. There was a woman who claimed to be Sigyn, Goddess of Death and Jealousy. Furthermore, she said I 'used to like her a lot', whatever the meaning of that is. She cut into my face with her nails."

Caroline was thinking. She was figuring out what this could mean. "That's impossible." She whispered. "She couldn't have hurt you in real life."

"Maybe.... Maybe she's another Norse goddess. Let's check it." She suggested. The website we had been on hours ago was still there, so she just had to scroll down a little.

"Here we go.... Vidas, Heimdall, Suadi, Sif.... Ah, here is she. Sigyn." She read on. "It says, she is the lover of Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, but they were never wed. She is described as beautiful, but evil and merciless. Having married and killed the God of Death made her the Goddess of Death and very powerful. Sounds crazy, if you ask me..."

"Yes, she did mention this man, Loki. But I still do not know what all this mythology has to do with me. I mean, these creatures do not even exist, do they?" I stared straight into her eyes, which looked warm and loving. She embraced me and pressed her head to my chest, listening to my heart beat.

"Well, they say that Thor is a demigod. You know him, the one from your shirt, the guy from The Avengers. How else should he have fought that alien army in New York led by that horned psycho."

I stiffened. "Did you just said 'horned'? What do you mean by 'horned'?" That could be another hint.

"I don't know, I've never seen him. Just heard about him on the radio or in the news. They rarely showed any pictures, but eye witnesses claim he was kinda horned, whatever that is supposed to mean." She explained and closed her eyes.

"Oh..." I responded. So it had nothing to do my dream, I thought with relief.

All of the sudden, Xenia opened the door. Dammit!

"I knew it! You were making out - in my room!" She exclaimed. We pulled away from each other.

"What? No, I mean - Xenia, it's not what it looks like, we - " Caroline tried to explain hysterically.

"Oh, just shut up!" Xenia spat turning on her heels and leaving the room.

'Making out'? Now, what did that mean? There was a lot I had to find out yet.

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