Chapter 31: The Sacrifice Pt.1/2

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(Caroline's P.O.V.)

"Don't you have anything normal to wear?"  I groaned. I hated these dresses. My thighs were sticking together in this heat. And those red spots after crossing my legs!

"Would you like another dress, dear? Maybe in another shade of gree - "

"I want pants, for cry's sake!"  I interrupted him. His offer was meant well of course, but it didn't diminish any of my anger.

"But pants are for men, Caroline!"  

I glared at him. Just the pure, pissed-off-female-on-her-period glare. Not that I was on my period, which would've been deadly embarrassing, but still. My looks was clear, unambiguous. In a split second of insecurity mixed with dismay on his face, Loki agreed quickly. 

"I have never made pants for women."  He admitted, playing disgusted. "But I think this will do."  

He snapped his fingers and my gown started glowing, then turned into a way more comfortable outfit. It was a green shirt and black shorts, how predictable. Not the best colours in this blazing sun, but a thousand times better than another bloody dress. Obviously Monsieur wanted me to match him. I lowered my head to reassure myself my legs weren't too unshaven, and noticed the shoes. 

Hallelujah! Proper trainers! I sensed where this was going.

Loki took us for a hike through the endless, beautiful forest. The comfortable clothing had been a must. Had he really thought I'd stroll through this pathless forest in a summer dress? Or had he planned to carry me on his hands? Gosh, this dude was complicated.

Sometimes, I would fall over roots and such, and Loki would laugh at my clumsiness and help me up. Soon, we reached a stone pit and Loki said:

"Let's climb."  

I just stared at him like he was crazy. I was a bit sportive and stuff, but I couldn't just climb up a stone pit, for crying out loud!

"Yeah, right. How about no?"  I suggested, but he smirked and suddenly grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulders.  

"Hold on, darling."

He didn't gave me enough time to protest,  it was too late to tell him to stop as he already started climbing. Consequently, I simply held onto him for my dear life, my arms were probably choking him and my legs were around his mid-section.

"Shit, shit, shit! " I exclaimed when it seemed like he was going to miss a rock.

"She thinks I will drop her."  We finally reached the top and I let go of him, standing on my own feet. I shoved against him,  told him to never do this again. 

"There is another place I want to show you, love. It is for sure the most beautiful piece of Midgard I have ever laid my eyes upon. Just follow me." He said and took my hand, leading me through scrubs, bushes and trees. I tried hard not to groan and grow frustrated the more I stumbled over. 

After about a couple of minutes,  I started hearing a strange sound, almost like splashing water.

"Please, tell me you won't throw me off something again."  I joked but secretly studied his face to guess if he was planning to do such things with me again. Loki laughed and brought his lips to my ear.

"Only if you annoy me, delightful Midgardian."  He breathed and I raised an eyebrow, unsure whether this was a compliment or not. 

"Um... Thanks, I guess?"  I responded and we continued our hike through this endless forest.  After ten more minutes I became impatient and began to nag.

The Sacrifice: Forgotten | Loki | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now