Chapter 17: No more

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(Frigga's P.O.V.)

Leaving Loki all alone on Midgard broke my heart.

Was I not a cruel mother for what I did? Giving him a taste of life, of hope, just to vanish without another word? Had I really been merciful with with him?

He had been begging on his knees for me just to stay with him, and I refused. It killed me on the inside to see him like this, every tear he shed cut into my heart. But what could I do? I would most certainly be punished for visiting Loki, and worse, for showing him a memory. Odin would be furious, but since I had been avoiding him recently, he should not be too suspicious.

The rebuilt Bifröst took us back to Asgard. Thor was still asleep from the spell I cast on him, so he kept lying motionlessly inside the golden dome. Alas, I had to talk to him, to confront him. His actions - why had he attempted to kill a mere Midgardian?

I slapped his face once again, breaking my own spell and waiting impatiently for him to awake. Thor stirred and eventually got up, staggering much like drunkard. I shout at him without thought.

"Why did you do this? Explain, now." I demanded.

"Do what, mother?" He replied confusedly. His words were slurred. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you not remember, Thor? You were on Midgard, maltreating and about to kill a defenseless young girl! And you fought your brother, who was protecting that innocent woman from your cruel actions!"

My exclamation made him stiffen in shock.

"Mother, you know I would never harm a woman, I have no idea what you are talking about. Moreover, did you say Loki, Loki Laufeyson, was helping somebody?"

This insolent comment unleashed my rage.

"Your brother has changed, Thor! He hast lost all his mind and Odin forbid us to tell him who he is... But I have seen you, you were fighting and were intent on killing that Midgardian. I want to know why." I told him. He shook his head cluelessly.

"I am sorry, mother, I have to assure you I have not wronged a lady." He told me, and his eyes looked innocent and sincere. When people lied, there was a physical reaction. I could detect it, which is why Loki eventually gave up lying to me.

It was bizarre. If Thor did not remember his actions and seemed to have no control of them... Then someone else was playing mind tricks on us.

"I believe you. And yet, do not leave Asgard again without telling me. This is an order." I said and he left, bowing his head.

I would watch Thor. There was something cooking. And it was imminent.

"Heimdall." I called out, and he bowed.

"Yes, my Queen." He said with his deep, raspy voice.

"Close the Bifröst toThor. Do not allow him to pass without my permission." I ordered him and left for the castle.

"As you wish, my Queen."

(Sigyn's P.O.V.)

This miserable wretch did not nail it. He failed.. His mother, that disgustingly bright hag had managed to break my spell with one of her pathetic magical tricks. And to my demise, it had Loki's mark on it. Frigga had taught him all he knew.

But next time she would not put her fingers in my plans. No matter how much magic she used, Thor would only obey me. Since I only had a small amount of black magic left, her death had to be final on the next try.

"Thor!" I called.

No response.

It usually worked. I tried again, but the Bifröst kept closed, and there was neither hide nor hair of him. I hated to do this, to use my dark magic, but it had to be. This was urgent. Time was running. I was dying.

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