Chapter 2: "I have decided."

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Sometimes, I talked without thinking. Without stopping. Like an ever-fed, never-ending waterfall. It happened naturally, and I guess, that's just who I was. I should know better as an adult. Some things should have not been said. Sometimes, it would have been better not to open my mouth at all. It usually made things worse. But I was a talkative human being. That a significant part of what disengaged itself from my tongue was - figuratively speaking of course -  crap... That is another story.

"Wh-who are you!" It was more of a reproach than really a question. What a charming first impression. "What have you done to me?" His voice was weak and croaky.  He was talking so fast, I could hardly understand him.  Not the kind of fast and slurred way I uttered words from time to time, but different. 

"I have just saved your life!" My mouth formed the word with disdain. I almost spat the words at him. "And to answer your first question, I am Caroline Adlers, and you - you just somehow broke through my ceiling!"   Who would've thought I will ever use that phrase, like, in my entire bloody life? 

To those who never believed in the twisted-ness of my life: You are wrong. Sit down.

 "Who are you?" 

Now, what a mentally challenging question, you'd say cynically. If there was one thing every single human on Earth knows, it's their name, right? Well, wrong. Again. You are not good at guessing. But accept this as consolation: Me neither.

It felt like an eternity. He had sat up by then, his eyes fixated at something I could make out in the darkness and dust cloud. He looked like a mad man. A psychopath. Xenia had been smart enough to turn the lights of the tight corridor on. They threw some light at us. It then occurred to me that I was still shaking. My heart galloping towards a dangerous maximum. The exact opposite of what this mystery incarnate's heart just did seconds ago. 

"I... I do not know." It was less than a whisper, not even directed at me. 'Twas a finding.  "I just do not know. Wh-who am I?"  He breathed hysterically. As if it couldn't get any stranger. Amnesia? 

It did happen. All the indicators were there. A decent blow to the head, probably caused by the fall on the roof (don't ask me why and how, I don't know). A lack of oxygen, neurons died. And finally - what his outward appearance told me - this guy had probably been mentally ill from before.

"I'm asking for the name."

Xenia mouthed the words 'who dat?' at me. It burnt in my fingers to grab a chunk of concrete and throw it at her face. Did it really not occur to her at all to call an ambulance? The police? Just anyone? The man was in a shock. He kept whispering 'the name, the name', stuttering, hyperventilating. His eyes were now darting from one place to another. 

"Hey, hey!" I dared put my hand on his shoulder. It calmed most patients. "Sshh... Calm down. "  I turned to my useless lawyer-room mate. "Xenia, he's confused. He might have lost his long-term memory. I can literally see the injuries he got from the fall. If he's lucky, he only has some bruises and contusions, along with some broken ribs. He needs an ambulance, immediately."

"No!" He broke out suddenly. Shot like out of a canon. His voice was nowhere near weak now.  Snake-like fingers wrapped around my arms, giving me a threatening squeeze. I flinched at the touch, not because of it being absolutely unexpected, but because it set me under electricity.

"I do not allow it. You will stay here, and not move."  He added in a lower but more menacing voice, looking straight into my eyes. I was shocked by these words, although not even fully grasping what he just told me. This had to be nightmare, and I would wake up any second. Dream-me wanted to send him to a mental asylum.

"Sir, you need medical care. I'm a doctor but I don't have the possibilities to help you now. You might have broken bones and - "  Exactly at this moment, he groaned and held his left side. CPR, when done correctly, does usually lead to broken ribs. Collateral damage, you could call it.

He wore something that seemed like an armor, held together by green and black leather. Knee-length black boots and his messy hair gave him something about Rock of Ages. Since Xenia had made herself useful by turning the lights on,  I could see the contrast between his jet black hair and his abnormally pale skin. Corpse-like. He sweated and had dark circles under his eyes.

"Maybe you haven't noticed it yet, but she is trying to help you!  And you, Caroline, you're not going to listen to him, are you?" Xenia's high-pitched voice sounded for the first time. "Obviously he's hit his head and doesn't know what he's saying. You know exactly what you have to do with crazy psychos. Haven't we seen enough horror movies? He's nuts and needs to be put in the mental - " 

She was interrupted by the stranger, all of the sudden grabbing her shirt and lifting her like a doll. The movement happened so fast, it was actually blurred

"How dare you speak of me in such a disrespectful manner, you pathetic mortal! You are all of you beneath me! I am - I am - " 

He couldn't finish the threat. A crucial component was missing - a powerful sounding name.  He let go of her abruptly and backed some steps away. In her surprise, she had kicked around and struck his injured side. Not even that stupid. Well, yes, in a way. Who knew what this man was capable of?

"And you listent to me now, mister, I've two degrees and I know how to use them, and this is my home where I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and with whoever I want, ya got that? Fucking psycho!"  

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to try to beat the crap out of said psycho, who seems to be dangerous and incredibly strong. But Xenia rarely had good ideas. I had absolutely no idea how to she managed to get those degrees.

"Hey, back off!"  I stood between them now.  "Xenia, stop it, I will take care of him. And you - you will go to hospital. They can help you." 

It was a common strategy of talking to a mentally disturbed human. While Xenia just didn't do 'calm', I knew better. Even if I had to repeat it a hundred times. "You have to go there. You need an ambulance. They will help - "

I fell silent. My words ran dry. His eyes pierced through mine, still glowing. "I have decided." I lost track of my thoughts - empty. What was I talking about? Something else pushed its way into my conscious. 

"If you're so terrified of going to hospital, then you can stay here the night. We'll decide about what we'll do tomorrow. Since the rain will flood the living room,  you can sleep in my bed."

Xenia was gaping; who could really blame her? I didn't know what I said. Without waiting for his answer, I grabbed his arm, pushed our way past Xenia and dragged him to my room, where I sat him on my bed. For some reason, he didn't fight at all.

"Be comfortable."  I said and made my way to the door. "And I'm sorry for what Xenia said. She has a loose tongue and didn't mean it."  Then I closed the door behind me, equally unintentional. I had lost all of my self-control. Someone else acted.

"Of course I mean it you stupid fucking - " 

"Shut up. Just - back off. There's no need for that now. I have decided."  My words to Xenia sounded as from another dimension. They weren't mine. I never talked liked that. Not in that tone of voice, not with that intonation. What had happened to me seemed to move over to Xenia, for she turned around and disappeared into her room without further ado.

I was too sleepy to be sure about whether all of this was real or not. Now I had to convince her to let me sleep in her room if I didn't want to sleep in the kitchen. What a wonderful imagination. What a strange man. Somehow I had the feeling that we weren't dealing with a normal person. That armor, the way he spoke, what happened to us with just a mere gaze of his... 'you pathetic mortal' he had said. 

Was it possible? The supernatural? 

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