Chapter 12: Women

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  • Dedicated to FrostMistress

(Frigga's P.O.V)

I stormed into the throne room of the palace, not believing what I just heard. Odin was talking to an ambassador from Nornheim, obviously about the war going on between Nornheim and Jotunheim.

"Odin!" I shouted. It was the first time I raised my voice towards him. They both looked up from their plans and faced me, our guest with a surprised look on his face and Odin glaring at me as Thanos would have.

"Why are you disturbing my war meeting, woman?" He asked angrily. I was embarrassing him in front of the diplomat, even better than just disturbing. I approached him without slowing down and faced the other man.

"Sir, I kindly ask you to leave. The meeting will be continued later."

"Your highness - " He stuttered, taken by surprise by my anger.

"Now!" I hated to raise my voice, especially in front of foreign people. But he had left me no choice, and now he was leaving Asgard with shame. I turned around and faced Odin, who was boiling by then. I feared for his health for a second.

"How could you do that! He is your son!" I began. I usually was calm and reasonable, but when somone was hurting one of my children, I was willing to kill.

Look what I made, mama!

"What is the meaning of this, Frigga? Thor deserved to be separated from Mjölnir, after all the disrespect he had shown to this realm's rules. Having him stripped from his powers for a while is an adequate punishment, do not say I am too strict!"

Of course he could only think of Thor. Only an Odinson was important to him.

"Thor? Who said I was talking about Thor?" I hissed. "I looked after Loki on Midgard, I went to Heimdall and asked about his state. Do you know what he told me? Loki has lost all of his memories and remains in the care of a mere mortal!" I exclaimed with horror.

It was him, mama, not me!

"Loki is not my son! Just as little as he is yours, you will accept that! His fate is in his own hands now, only he can change his destiny." He roared.

"Is that so? Then why did you forbid everyone to reveal his true identity to him? He is undone!" I sobbed. "You have no care for him, only because he was born Laufeyson! If you had heart you would not leave him in a world of mortals, stripped from his powers and forget about whom you once called your son!" I cried out loud and left.

I remembered everything clearly. I would talk to him, tell him how much we all loved him. I would lock him in my arms and place light kisses on his cheek, never doubting that he is my son. I loved him no less than Thor. He used to fall asleep on my lap when he was little, and I would always carry him to his room.

Those days were different. We all were different. Odin had not been not so cold, Thor not so vain and Loki never envied his older brother. We used to be a happy family, loving and never knowing hatred.

I could no longer hide my tears and sobs, it was so empty here. I headed for the place I always go to when I missed my dear Loki. His chambers. I had ordered for it to remain untouched.

Opening the doors, the wind carried his scent into my nose and I closed them immediately to keep his smell as long as possible. His absence left the room cold. Every corner cried, called for his presence. Everything was like he left it. His books were never touched, his clothes never taken away... Sometimes I would take his shirts and smell them, just to feel his presence in my arms. To feel Loki in my arms.


(Sigyn's P.O.V.)

My skin.

It was clammy, lined, wrinkly... coarse. The aging had begun, and I had at the longest a month left to live and to complete what had been begun. Then, I would die. I stroke my skin with my fingers and closed my eyes in an attempt to remember my old true self. So flawless, so young.

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