Chapter 15: Goodbye

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(Caroline's P.O.V.)

Tom's 'accident' was a couple of days ago by then.

It was not like I was afraid of him, but - The side he showed that night was frightening. This facet of his was such a contrast to Tom's true self, it was unbelievable. Before, I had been damn well sure Tom was a devoted pacifist. Unable to harm anyone.  It was just so absurd. I tried hard to forget that incident, but thoughts like 'he might be schizophrenic' or 'he might be possessed' were crossing my mind uncontrollably.

I should be used to such strange things by then, really. Tom was clearly no ordinary young man, but my mind was officially ready to give the alarm anytime.

You'd say I didn't trust Tom now, yet I really did. The thing is, I was just observing him a little to see if I notice anything strange. Hoping to prevent the worst next time... But enough of that now.

The summer holidays were only two weeks away, and I was planning something special. I wanted to get to the seaside, show Tom the things he forgot and just have the time of my life with him. The sea was the best place to enjoy oneself and be happy. I loved it! Tom could really use some happy expressions on his face.

Maybe some time away from the monotonous everyday life would help him remember. I really hoped he would be able to return to his family. I knew how living without a family was, and I would do everything in my might to save him from that. After all, that didn't mean that he had to leave me. We could stay together, marry... Have children. And he wouldn't be a mystery to himself anymore.

I would discuss that later with Xenia. She would spend her holidays with her parents, who lived in the UK,  but I still wanted to ask for her opinion. 

So it would be just Tom and me.

I glanced at the clock. Oh, shit, it was 7:30 p.m.!  The stores would close in half an hour, so I had to hurry up to get something to eat. Tom was still having a shower and there wasn't enough time to wait for him. Quickly, I scribbled a note and placed it on the table.

Hey Tom,

I'm at the local mall buying something to eat. Sorry, couldn't wait for you.


I left it there and grabbed my purse and my mobile phone. Putting on my jacket, I left and shut the door quietly. Typical of Xenia, never there when I needed her. She was probably with her boyfriend again. Blah. I just couldn't stand Cole, he was such an ass. But if she loved him...Who was I to stand in their way?

Finally, I reached the ground floor and got into my car. I started the car, but it just made an awkward noise and died down. Various tries didn't succeed. Eventually, I got out and kicked one of the tires angrily. Crap, now I gotta run. Not hesitating, I rushed across the streets.

It was too dark for the time of day. Hm, really strange. And the streets were empty. Everything was sinister, abandoned, lifeless.... What was going on that day? My instincts started freaking out, they were signifying great danger. I shook off my childish feelings and continued, reaching the mall out of breath.

And I arrived...

... just to notice I was all alone. Not a living soul was here, it was deadly silent. Not even those cars of the people of charge were there, and the mall was locked, doors closed and lights turned off. I began to shiver, it sent chills up and down my spine. What the hell was going on, it was June for crying out loud! Okay, there was definitely something going on, and I wouldn't wait to find out what it was. 

I ran away for my dear life, just wanting to be in Tom's arms and feel safe again.  I pushed my body to its limits, until I was about to collapse. The walls of all the buildings were rushing past me and I could feel my proximity to Tom increase with each step I took. My eyes perceived the lights of our block of flats despite the rain. I sighed in relief.

An enormous thunder erupted in the sky above me, horrendous and ear-splitting. I was being showered with rain. Perfect.

I fell suddenly, not really comprehending what happened at first. I had been punched to the ground, something hard had hit my face. My heart beat increased rapidly, I broke out in a cold sweat. Why always me, for cry's sake! My hand was on my cheek, which hurt in a burning sensation and throbbed. I was tasting blood in my mouth -  the salty, metallic taste of blood.

Crawling on all fours, I turned around to see who wanted to kill me this time. And I couldn't believe my eyes at first.

It was - 

My thoughts were interrupted when he pulled me up by my hair, making me scream. I kicked and hit everything around me, but it was all in vain. I could've been hitting an elephant. He was inhumanly strong.

"What do you want from me!"  I screamed and closed my eyes. A second later my body collided with a wall. I felt something inside me cracking and shrieked in pain. I was gasping for air, and through a blur of tears, I saw him approaching me menacingly with his enormous hammer.

I closed my eyes and constricted every muscle in my body, waiting for death to come. At least Tom was safe, so fate was merciful at least by letting me go out alone. I prayed to God to release me with a fast death. I hoped he would simply crash my skull and leave out any prolonging torture.

But the giant colossus of metal never touched my body. Instead, something tall and fast hit him midway and they both fell to the ground. They were rolling around, again and again, nobody seemed to have the upper hand. I just wanted them to stop a second for me to see who my saviour was.

Oh, fuck. Not him!

But there was no such luck. It was Tom again, here to save me. I remember him swearing to protect me from any harm, and I know he would do what ever it took to keep his promise. He would fight to death and no matter what I said, he would battle an army if it was to protect me. Watching them fighting made me notice something strange.

He never attempted to strike Tom. He was just dodging Tom's hits and pushing him away. But by the time, he got obviously annoyed by someone pissing on his parade all the time, so he pushed Tom violently to the ground and placed his heavy hammer on Tom's chest. Tom tried to move and rise against him, but the hammer wouldn't let him move so much as an inch.

Tom roared in an attempt to remove the cursed hammer.

"No! What are you doing!"  Tom yelled at him as he turned around, approaching me again.  My eyes widened in shock, he would have all the time in the world to kill me slowly now that Tom was rendered harmless.

"Please, don't! She's mine, you can't take her away!" Tom kept screaming, and he said it with so much pain, it sounded like he was crying.

"I'm so sorry." I mouthed at him, and I meant every word. Again it was all my fault that he was in danger. I was attracting all the evil that also fell upon him. Eyes closed, thoughts all about Tom, my only true love, I kissed my life goodbye.

Goodbye, dear life. Goodbye, Tom.

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