Chapter 23: Issues

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(Caroline's P.O.V.)

"I just - c-can't believe it was Loki all the t-time -" I sobbed into Xenia's shoulder. I had read many books about broken hearts, seen many movies and plays about it. But to experience it firsthand was nothing compared to that.

Not only was my heart beating slowlier and more ponderous than ever. I had that horrible feeling in my chest, if felt as if a hole was in there sucking my guts in. Breathing was hard, and my eyes could no longer hold the tears. Crying was an awful feeling, and I hated to do it. Although it felt embarassing, I felt also free when I cried. Because when I did it, I did it hard and unstoppably, just like then.

"Shh... It's okay... Cry as long as you want. It eases the pain." Xenia whispered and began to stroke my hair lightly. How much I hoped she was right, but even crying for a thousand years wouldn't ease it. Tom was the one, he was the one I had offered my heart to. I knew falling in love would make me vulnerable and the risk of a broken heart was omnipresent, but... I had trusted him.

I had trusted him with all my heart and he tore it apart the moment he died. He was not to blame, the monster who killed my parents had locked his arms of Death around him as well.

Loki killed everyone I loved. And I could never have revenge.

"He killed them... He simply killed Tom just as he killed my parents. You don't know how it's like to know a single person took everything from you and you can do nothing against it. You don't know the feeling of being treated like shit and there's nothing you can do. It's killing me, Xenia - it hurts - " I told her desperately in an attempt to express the pain, despite my pain being inexpressible.

"I know, I know...." She murmured.

"Have you ever considered he might be a - an alien-god? And that it's him of all the existing creatures up there? I could've never thought he was Loki.... Tom was simply too pure to be imprisoned in the same body as Loki." I explained. "It's just so wrong."

"I don't believe he's dead. Loki is known for his lies and his trickery and he has every reason to destroy you, simply because you helped Tom to... live. And I know Tom, he's stubborn. Thick-headed. I wouldn't shed hope."

"I am realizing now how dependent I was on him. His absence is killing me, it came so out of the sudden... I couldn't tell him I loved him one last time. I never knew it could hurt so much." I cried desolately. "It's tearing me apart."

(Loki's/Tom's P.O.V.)

I was staring at it. My armor. Accurately treasured in a transparent closet, waiting for me to wear it. I smiled and touched the glass carefully. I wanted nothing more than to shatter it in a thousand pieces and engross the power represented by this leather and metal.

Issues much?

"'Tis been a long time." I breathed. Then, I felt Sigyn wrapping her arms around my waist from behind.

"But it will look better when you wear it, my dear." She whispered, caressing my arm with her hand. I began to feel a little bit uncomfortable, but did not push her away. She is so disgusting...

Not as much as you, ant.

"Then I shall immediately attire." I replied to her and hugged her back by turning around.

"Do it then. For after the breakfast, we have much work to do." She told me and left the room so I could strip down and begin to don the armor. Finally dressed well, I looked into the mirror and gazed at my royal sight, making myself smile.

How can you like such an uncomfortable suit?

I am used to such clothing. Now stop complaining and get lost. For I do not wish to have you inside my head.

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