Chapter 10: Date

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(Caroline's P.O.V.)

"Come on, please..." I begged her.

"No!"  She responded bitterly.


"I'm not doing it!"  My request was annoying her beyond imagination.

"Do it for me. You know I would do the same for you, too." I pointed out desperately.

"Absolutely the fuck not. What does he mean to me? By the way, aren't you afraid I will hurt your precious boyfriend?" Xenia said coldly and turned away. But I wasn't going to make a retreat.

"He's not my boyfriend!" 

 Xenia didn't know how right she was... But I didn't want to tell her right now.

"Whatever." She murmured.

"But it would totally destroy the moment of surprise if I styled him! Come on, it's my first date ever and my best friend refuses to support me?" 

Now I had a point, and she couldn't deny that. She stayed silent for a moment, but then groaned:

"Fine! I'll dress and style Mr. Psycho and turn him into Mr. Universe, but this is the first and the last time I will do it, I hope that's clear?" She stated crossing her arms.

"YAY!"  I exclaimed and gave her a tight hug, literally throwing myself at her small figure. "Thank you so much!"


I turned it over in my mind what I should wear. Either tight, black trousers and a white half-sheer blouse with wide sleeves that went over my elbows along with not too-high white high heels... Or an innocent beige dress which was knee-length along with ballerinas. My feet wanted nothing more than wearing those ballerinas, as the high heels were bound to destroy them. Maybe I should ask Xenia, she was the 'styling queen' kind of girl. 

Speaking of the devil, she was in my room, behind locked doors... Either she didn't want me to look before he was ready, or she was preventing Tom from sure escape. While my mind hoped for the former, it was most likely the latter. When I was about to knock, I heard a sharp scream. 
Holy shit, what was she doing to him?

"Xenia! Open the door!" I yelled and banged on the door. After a few seconds she opened it but kept it ajar. "What are you doing to him? I didn't ask for torture!"

"It's nothing, I was doing his hair and accidentally ripped out some. He's behaving like a baby!" She stated. There was something so terrible feigned about the accidentally-part. 

"Please, don't hurt him." I pleaded. My protective instinct was running at full speed. "By the way, should I wear the beige dress or the outfit I bought when we were in L.A.?"

"Of course the L.A.- outfit, stupid! You're going to a normal date with Mr. Psycho here, no need for a dress."  That was her reply, then, she closed the door at my face. I left and went changing into my L.A.- outfit, as we called it. I put on some light make up, not wanting to be over-styled, and pinned my hair back so it wouldn't annoy me.

After I finished styling, I went into the living room and sat down. It was almost 6 p.m. and I was impatiently waiting for them to finish, wanting to see the masterpiece Xenia had created. I trusted her in the matter of styling since she could make ugly people look great and beautiful people look stunning and stunning people look... Well, more stunning.

"Get your ass up, we're done." I heard her saying from behind the door. I stood up and approached the door frame. The door to my room opened to reveal a wild Xenia almost violently dragging him out.

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