Race Ya to the Pool!

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When I try to get my suitcase, Brendon grabs it and takes off running and laughing like a little kid high on candy.

"What are you doing," I yell laughing.

"I want to get in the pool. Come on," he yells back.

"Oh God," I mutter as I take off running. 

I finally catche up to him and jump on his back.

"Ha I caught you so what do I win," I ask out of breath.

He keeps running until we get inside of the hotel. Brendon sits the suitcases down, and I hop down from his back laughing. He leans down and presses his soft lips against mine. He pulls back when we hear Patrick and Pete talking.

"What are you two just standing there for," Patrick asked.

Brendon and I look at each other, and he says, "Wai-."

 I interrupt and say, "Waiting on a bunch of slow old people."

They all look at each other smiling. The we walk to the check in desk. The woman is dressed in a gray suit in her mid thirties.

She smiles and asks, "How many rooms do you need?"

Brendon's, Dallon's, and Kenneth's manager said, "Two rooms for us."

Patrick's, Pete's, Joe's, and Andy's manager said, "Two rooms for us too."

After that, the woman gives everyone keys. All the rooms were all in a private floor with security.

 I ask Brendon, "Um where do I stay?"

He says, "You're going to share my bed, duh. Where else do you think you would sleep?"

He does his eyebrows up and down.

"I don't know Brendon," I mumble bashfully.

We go get on the elevator and go to their rooms. As Brendon, Dallon, and Kenneth flop down on the chairs and beds, I go in the bathroom and put on my swimsuit.

When I walk out of the bathroom, Brendon whistles and says, "Oh baby."

 I bust out laughing as he grabs his swimsuit and runs in the bathroom.

A few seconds later he comes running out of the bathroom yelling, "Last one in the pool has to fix the other one dinner!"

I run off after him. Just as I round the corner, I see the elevator door closing, and Brendon waving. I quickly run to the stairs and start running down them. After all it's only 9 flights of stairs. A few minutes later, I reache the bottom...clearly  out of breath. That's when I see Brendon running off the elevator. I gather up all the strength that's left in my legs and run after him. I run through a crowd of people who are standing around talking. I finally reach Brendon, who's just standing there looking at the pool. I run past him and jump into the cold water. When I come up, I notice that he's beside me smiling.

"I beat you, so now you have to cook me dinner," I say wiping the water out of my eyes.

"No, I said the first one to the pool wins," he says.

 I shake my head and say, "Noooo you said that whoever was the first one in the pool wins."

 I dive back under the water and start swimming away from him. Before I can get away, Brendon grabs my ankles and pulls me back so that we are face to face. He wraps his arms around my neck and kisses my lips. We kiss until we can't hold our breath anymore. When we surface, we find Dallon and Pete swimming towards us.

"What are you to over here doing," Dallon asks trying to hide his laughter.

"Nothingggg," I say glancing at Brendon.

Brendon chuckles, "We were kissing underwater. It was pretty hot."

Dallon says, "You better be careful if the police see you doing too much PDA because they'll arrest ya."

Pete laughs and says, "Come on Dallon, lets leave these two lovebirds alone."

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now