Am I Dead?

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Okay, so this is like a filler chapter. There's only one or two more chapters left in this story until it's completed.

I faintly hear beeping in the background. I try to wake myself up, but I can't move or talk. So this is what death feels like? At least it's peaceful. I eventually find out that I can move my body. I hesitantly open my eyes and see people standing over me. I squint my eyes, and I can tell that they're Patrick, Pete, Andy, Joe, mom, dad, Dallon, Spencer, Kenneth, Ryan, and Jon.

"No, no, no. I wanted to die," I mumble as tears slip down my face.

"Why would you say something like that," my mom asks crying.

I ignore her and look down at my wrists. They're covered in bandages, there's an IV in my arm, and wires connected to my chest. The doctor walks in and mumbles something to my parents and the guys. Everyone walks out of the room except for Pete, Patrick, and Dallon.

"Can you tell us now what you were thinking when you took those pills," Patrick asks sitting down on the bed.

"I already told Dallon why," I mumble glancing at a teary eyed Dallon.

"Listen, I was in you same position. I was at a point where I didn't want to live anymore, so I did the same thing you did. I didn't die, and I learned that I could do a lot more things with my life that would make it better. Now, I have Bronx, I'm dating Meagan, and we're about to have a baby.  Killing yourself isn't a long term answer... it's the easy way out of life that makes other people's lives miserable" Pete says.

"But I-," I mumble getting cut off by Brendon running in the door.

"What happened," he asks out of breath.

"Brendon, I don't thnk you should b-," Dallon starts to say.

"You're what happened. I can't even believe you have the nerve to come in here. I tried to kill myself because I wanted to be out of this miserable world, and so that you and that piece of trash could finally live happily ever after. You've caused my life to be a living Hell, and I wanted out," I say trying not to have a mental breakdown  right there in front of anyone.

He gives me a hurt look, and the door suddenly opens. In walks Ashley with a bouquet of flowers. That does it. I start crying, and Dallon wraps his arms around me.

"Get her out of here now, Brendon," Patrick says.

They walk out of the room, and the guys try to calm me down. Days pass, and I'm stuck in the hospital for evaluation. They asks me tons of questions, and I answer them. They finally make the decision that I'm extremely depressed. They don't want to risk giving me antidepressants because it may cause me to become more suicidal, so they make me go to counseling every day of the week. I don't go back home for another week when I finally stop thinking about ways to kill myself. They don't want me going back to school, so I have to do online school... which is better for everyone. Dallon, Patrick, and the guys took another break from tour to keep me company even though I begged them not to. I wasn't allowed to watch the news... I knew there were probably tons of stories about me. Patrick's manager went to the media and set things straight. I hadn't seen Brendon since the whole scene at the hospital. I finally talked my parents into letting me go over to Jess' house.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now