The Drunk Mistake

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The sand is warm beneath my feet. The sun's beating down making it warmer by the second. The waves are big. I keep walking until I get into water that's waist deep. I turn around around to see Brendon walking toward me, and the rest of the guys drinking beer sitting under the umbrella talking. I'm to busy looking back to notice the wave coming at me. When it hits, I get knocked off of my feet. I feel someone helping me up, and I realize that it's Brendon.

"You're supposed to avoid getting knocked down," he sarcastically says.

"I know that," I say putting my hair into a ponytail.

"So what are we going to do out here," he asks smiling.

"I was going to swim out there," I say pointing out toward the open ocean.

"You can't go all the way out there. There could be sharks and the current. You couldn't even handle the wave," he says laughing.

"Fine. Then what do we do," I sigh.

"Marko Polo," he says.

"Okay, you go first," I say.

He closes his eyes and say, "Marco."

"Polo," I say wading toward the shore.

"Marco," he laughs.

"Polo," I whisper.

I stop, and he wades past me with his arms out searching for me. I walk up to him and tap him on the back, and then I quickly move to the side. He jumps and misses me completely. He ends up falling in the water. I laugh, and he comes up laughing.

"That's not how you play Marco Polo," Brendon laughs.

"I know, but that was funny," I say laughing.

We head toward the guys. When we get there, Ryan has a beach ball out.

"Lets go play it," he says slightly slurring his words.

He walks over to a free net that no one's at. On Brendon's team, it's me, Spencer, and Ryan. On Dallon's team it's Jon and Kenneth. Ryan hits the ball over the net, and Jon hits it back over the net. The ball comes toward me, and I completely miss the ball.

They laugh, and I say, "Shut up. I'm not good at sports."

Jon says, "This isn't a sport, Erica."

"It is to me, Jon," I reply.

"It's not so hard if ya have a drink," Ryan says.

"You know I don't drink. Plus, I'm underage," I say as they start to sit down again.

"Everyone's done it as a teenager. They just don't responsible adults helping them manage how much they drink," Dallon says getting out two beers.

"You're all tipsy, and I promised Patrick that I wouldn't get in trouble," I say sitting down on the beach towel.

Dallon hands Brendon and me a beer. Brendon takes a sip, and sits down beside me. I reluctantly take a sip. It burns a little as it slides down my throat, but it tastes amazing. I need to prove to them that I'm not some nerdy kid. I chug it all down in thirty seconds flat.

"Woah, not that fast," Ryan says.

"Why not? I don't even feel a thing," I say.

I grab another beer out of the cooler and drink it all in less than a minute. That's when my head starts to get foggy.

"Erica slow down," Brendon says.

"I don't wanna," I slur laughing.

"Okay, no more for you," Brendon says taking the empty beer out of my hand.

"Nooooo, Breny Bear, it's amazing," I slur reaching toward the cooler.

"Breny Boo," he asks doing his eyebrow up.

"That's a nickname she has for you," Dallon says.

"Oh, it's cute," he says smiling and running his fingers through his hair.

When I lay my hand on the cooler, Spencer says, "No more for you."

"Whyyyy," I whine.

"Because you don't know how to handle alcohol," he says sitting on top of the cooler.

"Do so," I slur crossing my arms.

"Don't so," Brendon chimes in.

I lay down and put my head it Brendon's lap and mumble, "I'm tired."

He tucks the loose strands of hair behind my ear and says, "It's because you're drunk and tired."

"Imma go to sleep," I mumble rolling over.

"You can't go to sleep on the beach laying on my lap in a bikini, Erica," he says.

"I can if I wanna," I quietly mumble.

"Dude, what are you going to do," Ryan asks trying not to laugh.

"Take her back to my house," he suggests shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll go back with you and help," Spencer says.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Brendon says.

"It's fine. You can't handle her alone," Spencer says standing up.

Brendon starts to nudge me up.

"What," I mumble.

"We're going back home," he says helping me up.

"No," I pout sitting down again.

"Come on, get up,"  Brendon says helping me up again.

I shake my head and start to fall down again.

"Fine," Brendon mumbles picking me up.

Spencer puts the towel over me.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now