Planning the Suprise

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My phone starts to vibrate, and I pull it out of my pocket. There's 3 missed calls and 17 text messages.

Most of the texts say, 'When are you going to be landing?' 'Where's the spare key?' 'How's he doing?' 'This is going to be the best surprise in the history of surprises!' 'Hey, Erica!!!' 'Answer the phoneee.' I quickly reply to the three stooges, and pull up another text from my friend, Jess. She texted, "Hey, are you okay? How's Brendon doing?" I text, "We're both fine, and we're on our way to his house. I have this big surprise for Dallon, Kenneth, and him.  I'll be staying there with him until school starts."

"Who's that," Brendon asks leaning over taking the earbud out.

"Just texting my friend back home," I quickly say and put my phone back in my pocket.

"About what," he asks.

"She wants to know how we're doing," I say.

"Oh. She knows me," he asks.

"Oh yeah. She meet you at Patrick's party. At first, she was fangirling and everything, but then she was fine. Actually, she got drunk, and that's when she started to have a great time," I tell him.

"Well then. I can tell she's a good friend. Shouldn't we be getting some sleep? It's already 1 in the morning," he yawns.

"I guess we should. We're going to be in California in about 5 hours," I say stretching.

I hesitantly lay my head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around me. I finally fall asleep. I wake up to Dallon tapping me and Brendon the shoulder.

"Huh," I mumble.

"I'm up," Brendon mumbles.

"We just landed in Cali," Dallon says.

I grab my purse and stuff my ipod in it, and everyone unloads the plane. As we walk down the steps, Brendon puts his arm around my waist. I smile and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. After we get our luggage,  we're greeted by a couple of fans. 'How did they find out that we were going to be here,' I think.

A girl with purple hair wearing a Panic! At the Disco shirt and shorts nervously walks up to Brendon and asks, "Can I have a picture with all of you?"

"Sure," Brendon shyly says.

We pose for the picture. After all the fans are gone, we walk out of the airport and get in the car.

"How far are we from my house," Brendon asks looking out the window.

"About twenty minutes away. You live 3 blocks away from the beach," I say pulling out my phone.

'Hey, we're about twenty minutes from his house. Where are you at," I text my best friends who are my secret suprises for the guys.

'Hey, we're about forty minutes from Brendon's house,' he responds.

'Okay, park around the block, and I'll come meet y'all,' I text back.

'Okayy,' he texts back.

"Why are you always on your phone," Brendon leans over and asks.

I quickly put my phone up and say, "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

"So that's how we're going to play this game," he whispers.

"Trust me you'll love what I'm working on," I whisper.

He smiles and looks out the window.

"This place looks familar," he quietly says.

"That's because it's your house," I say.

"It's not a house. It's a freaking mansion," he exclaims.

"I know," I say smiling.

Dallon parks the car, and we get out.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now