The Ryden Picture Threat

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When I wake up, Brendon's laying on his side and has his arms wrapped around me. My shirt's pushed up exposing some of my stomach. He's mouth and nose are pressed against my stomach, and he's still sleeping. Brendon's softly snoring. I smile and run my fingers through his hair. He stirs slightly and moans. I look over to see Spencer laid out on the couch hugging a pillow. He's still asleep. I lay my head back on the couch and close my eyes to go back to sleep. Seconds later, I hear Brendon moan. I glance down at him, and he moans again. I can't tell what he's moaning, but it's the same kind of moan he did when we were sleeping with each other. He keeps moaning, and I smile. I wonder what he's dreaming? I lay my head back on the pillow. He continues to moan which makes my knees go weak, and heart speed up. When I'm on the brink of sleep, I feel him press his lips against my stomach. I quickly wake up and see him kissing my stomach. I raise my eyebrow, and his tongue presses against my stomach.

"What are you dreaming about," I  whisper looking down at him.

He wakes up and sleepily looks at me.

"Ughhh, my head's killing me," he mumbles.

"Yeah, you'll probably have a massive hang over," I say smiling.

He groans.

"What were you dreaming about," I ask smiling.

"I don't remember," he says rolling over to lay on his back.

"Liar," I say laughing.

"I really don't remember," he says blushing.

"Fine. I'll let that one slip. Do you remember anything happening between you and Ryan last night," I ask grabbing my phone.

"Last night is a complete haze," he says.

I pull up the picture of him and Ryan kissing and show it to him.

"What the f-," he mumbles.

"My exact words last night. I has to throw a library book at you two to get you to stop. What would happen if I were to post this on instagram," I say smiling.

"You wouldn't," he says quickly waking up.

"I would," I say smiling.

He sits up, and I quickly run. I look back at him, and he's chasing me. I laugh and run behind the couch. Brendon's standing on the other side of the couch with a pillow.

"What are you going to do? Stop me with a pillow," I ask pulling up Instagram.

"Yes," he smirks and throws the pillow which hits Spencer causing him to jump up.

"What the hell," he mumbles.

"Tell her not to post the picture of me and Ryan kissing," Brendon whines.

"Sorry, that's out of my hands," he says smiling.

"Ha," I say cocking my head to the side.

Brendon runs around the couch, and I start running upstairs. I throw pillows at him which slows him down. I open Ryan's bedroom door and hide under the bed. I see Brendon's feet stop in front of the door and walk in. He looks around the room and behind the doors. With no luck, he walks out. I wait a couple of minutes and finally come out of hiding. Before I can do anything, Brendon's running at me. I quickly dodge to the side, and he falls on top of Ryan. I laugh and take a picture. Ryan groggily gets up.

"What the Hell dude," Ryan asks.

His hair's sticking up in all different directions.

"She has a picture of us kissing last night, and she's going to post it on instagram," Brendon says.

Ryan jumps out of bed and falls down. I start laughing and run out of the room.

I hear Ryan yell, "She can't do that!"

I smirk and quickly run downstairs to Spencer.

"Here hide this," I quickly whisper handing him the phone.

He shoves it in his pocket, and I sit down on the couch. Brendon and Ryan come running down the stairs. When they see me, they run and jump on the couch.

"Where's the phone, Stump," Ryan asks.

"I don't have it," I say flipping through a magazine.

"It couldn't have disappeared," Brendon says.

"I must've dropped it," I say.

Ryan takes the magazine and asks, "Spencer where's the phone?"

"I don't know, Ry. I just woke up," Spencer says.

"It has to be on the couch then," Brendon says.

Seconds later, I'm standing up as they search the couch. They don't find anything. They turn around to face me.

"It has to be on you," Ryan says.

"I promise you it's not," I say slightly smiling.

"Brendon, search her," Ryan says.

"Over a phone? Guys you're over reacting," I say.

"What do you mean search her," Brendon asks.

"I mean pat her down like cops do," Ryan says.

"In front of everyone," Brendon asks.

"There's only me and Spence," Ryan says slightly smiling.

Brendon's face turns red, and I say, "I dare you to. I bet you don't have the balls to do it."

That's my lame attempt at flirting.

Brendon smirks and says, "Hands against the wall, and legs spread apart."

I smile and say, "Yes sir."

I walk over to the wall. I put my hands on the wall a shoulder length apart. I place my feet a little bit more than shoulder length apart. I smirk as I face the wall. Brendon walks up to me. He starts by patting my legs all the way up to my waist. I bite my lip as his hands skim across my butt. He place his hands in the back pockets of my shorts. He works his way up to my boobs. He pauses then his hands skim across them.

"Okay, you're clean," Brendon chokes out.

I turn around and face him. His face is red, and his eyes have pure lust in them.

"I told you," I say smiling.

"Where's the phone," Ryan whines.

"I tell you what... I cross my heart and hope to die that I want post it on instagram," I say smiling as I quote a phrase from Nicotine.

"Fine," they both say.

Spencer walks back in and asks, "Are we going to practice today? I mean it's already 4 in the afternoon, and the show's in three days."

"Everyone's going to have a massive hangover except for us," I tell Spencer.

"Two days is enough," Spencer asks Brendon.

"Yeah, I mean I only have trouble with This is Gospel and Build God," Brendon says.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now