Second Chances?

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Tears start streaming down my face. I quietly run in the opposite direction. As I round the corner, I run into Dallon.

"Hey. Why are you crying," he asks.

"Go see for yourself," I mumble running out the shack.

I don't stop running until I reach the sidewalk, and then I start to walk down the sidewalk. How could he do this to me? Just this morning everything was going fine. I quickly wipe the tears from my face, but new one's start to roll down my face. Images of the two devouring each other in the room pops into my head. My heart feels like it has a two ton elephant sitting on it. I finally reach the house, and I unlock the door. I stumble upstairs to my room and lock the door. I slide down the door and put my head in my hands. Everything feels broken inside. I sit there crying for what feels like forever. That's when I hear a knock on my door.

"Erica... let me explain," Brendon says.

"Go away asshole," I say wiping tears from my face.

"Please, let me explain," he begs.

"Go. Away," I say.

"Dude, just give her space," Ryan says.

 "Not to be mean, but you screwed up big time," Jon says.

I hear them walking away. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"Can I come in," Dallon asks.

"Why," I mumble.

"I don't know," he says.

I reach up and unlock the door. I don't stand up, but I just scoot to the side. Dallon comes in and looks at me. He shuts the door and sits down beside me.

"Come here," he says wrapping his arms around me.

"How he could he do this to me Dal," I ask crying.

"Everyone messes up, but he was extremely wrong for doing that," he says looking down at me.

"I never want to see him again," I mumble.

"Don't say that. Just calm down," Dallon says.

"The next chance I get, I'm going back home," I say.

"Talk to him first," Dallon says.

I don't say anything. Dallon get up and sticks his hand out. I hesitantly take it. I wipe the tears from my face, and we walk out of my room. We walk downstairs, and they're all sitting in the living room. Brendon has his head in his hands. He looks up and stands up.

"Erica hear me out please," he says.

I don't say anything. I just sit down on the couch in between Ryan and Dallon.

"She told Ryan to practice on standing up because she said that I had to go with her to sign a wavier that she forgot to give me. When we got in the room, she came onto me. I didn't make the first move... she planned it all out," Brendon explains.

"That isn't what it looked like," I mumble glancing at him.

"I don't know what happened after that. Things just got out of hand," he says.

"I don't believe you," I whisper.

"It's the truth. Please forgive me. I made a huge mistake. I screwed up big freaking time. I love you. You're the only one that I could ever love. Just give me one more chance," he pleads.

I look him in the eyes, and he has this sincere look on his face. All the fun times that we've had flashes in my head.

"Fine. One more chance. That's all you get," I mumble.

"Thank you," he says.

He gets up and hugs me. I just stand there. It'll take awhile for things to get back like they were. I hope I made the right choice. God, I'm such a softie.

"I have some news to hopefully get rid of all this tenseness," Kenneth says.

"We have a show coming up in five days," he says.

"What," Dallon says looking at Brendon and Kenneth.

"Yeah, Pete told me about it last night. It's about a hour from here. We'll start off with small shows. Then we'll start the tour up again," Kenneth says.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now