Spiralling into Oblivion

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"Hello," Brendon asks.

"Listen here you little shit. You've cheated on my best friend with some low down piece of trash. Which caused her to get in the media and not in a good way. Which led to her getting beat up by some annoying bitches. You've ruined her life. I liked you at first, but now I fucking hate you... you piece of shit. You need to find some way to fix all of this and fast," Jess says slightly yelling.

She hangs the phone up and calls Patrick.

"Jess... shouldn't you be in school learning," Patrick asks.

"I am in school, but we need to talk about Erica. Ever since the new issue of TMZ came out, people at our school's been obsessed with it. About two minutes ago, I found three girls beating her up in the bathroom," Jess says getting interrupted by Patrick.

"Did you go get the nurse," Patrick asks.

"No, she doesn't want this getting out to the press," Jess says putting her free hand on her hip.

"Take her home. I don't care if she skips the first day of school. I'll call our parents and tell them... they'll understand," Patrick instructs.

"Okay," Jess says hanging up.

I start crying.

"Come on, you're going home," Jess says helping me up.

"How are we going to get past the front office," I ask in between sobs.

"There's a door right next door that leads to the parking lot," Jess says as we walk out of the bathroom.

We quietly walk/limp out of the school. We finally get to my car, and there's a note on the window under the window shield wiper. I shakily take it and sit in the car. Jess sits in the driver's seat. I open the note and read it.

'Next time we'll finish the story, and hopefully you've learned your lesson on not listening. If you talk to Brendon, give him my number. Or better yet why don't you go kill yourself. That'll make everyone happy,' from you know who.

I crumple the paper up and shove it in my pocket. I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of getting rid of me that easy. I look in the rear view mirror and see a bruise on my forehead and eye. We finally arrive at my house, and Jess stays. She fixes popcorn, and we eat it while sitting on my bed. About forty minutes later, my mom comes running into my room.

"What happened," my mom loudly asks.

"Just some girls at school... That's it," I say looking at my bed.

"I'll be calling the principal today," she says looking at the bruises.

"No, you can't. It'll have to go to court then the media would find some way to get the information or make up a story," I say looking at her.

She turns to Jess and says, "Thank you so much for bringing her home, but I think you should be getting back to school."

She hesitantly looks at me and says, "You're welcome, Mrs. Stump."

Jess walks out of the room.

"Are you going to tell me what happened," my mom asks.

"I already did," I say.

"I want the entire story," she says.

"Can you just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to be alone to think," I loudly say.

She looks hurt, and she walks out of the room. Tears start rolling down my face. I grab the scissors out of the box from under my bed. I go into the bathroom and begin to cut my wrists over and over again. The day turns into night, and I fall asleep. I wake up to my alarm clock going off. I do my morning routine, and I'm off to school. I'm wearing a black long sleeve shirt with old blue jeans and converse. Today has to be better than yesterday.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now