The Milk Fanfiction

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I blush and pull up a gif of him taking off his pants and stripping down to his underwear during a performance.

"So I'm a musician and a stripper," he asks.

"No, like I said you like teasing me and the fans," I say trying not to laugh.

"How have I teased you," he asks me doing his eyebrows up and down.

"That's for me to know and you to remember sooner or later," I say smiling.

I continue to show him videos and pictures.

When he sees a picture of him and Ryan kissing, he asks, "Woah, woah what?"

I bust out laughing and say, "Yeah, that's you and Ryan. Your fans ship it, and so do I little bit."

"So I actually kissed him," he asks clearly embarrassed.

"Yeah. The fans are split between Brallon and Ryden," I say smiling.

He runs his fingers through his hair and asks, "What's Brallon?"

"Another ship between you and Dallon," I yell for Dallon, Patrick, and Pete.

They come slowly walking in.

I point at Dallon and say, "Brallon is you and this guy, Dallon."

Dallon puts his head in his hands and sighs, "Please don't tell me you've started him out on the ships and fanfictions?"

I shake my head and say, "Nooo, I was showing him pictures of y'all on stage and he saw a picture of him and Ryan kissing, and he wanted to know so I told him."

Brendon says, "Technically you haven't showed me the fanfictions... whatever they are."

I turn around as fast as I can and say, "Ohhhh this is going to be good. I have one warning for you and that's to prepare yourself for what you're about to read. It's pretty r rated."

"You're going to emotionally scar him if you show him the fanfiction, " Dallon says.

"If he wants to read it, let him. He's read it before," I say trying to find it.

"Yea, but that was when he remembered everything and laughed it off," Dallon says.

"I'll start him off with some basic ones, and we'll work our way up to that big one," I say hiding my smile.

"Wait, what fanfiction don't you want him reading, Dallon," Patrick asks.

"Don't tell him. He needs to read it for himself," I say laughing.

Pete and Patrick look at each other, and Pete asks, "Just what did you do with your free time when you were younger?"

"People would send me links to different fanfictions and I read them," I say smiling.

Brendon chimes in, "Did you find it yet?"

"Ughhh where is it? Oh there it is, but we need to start you off with some minor ones," I say.

I hand him the laptop, and he starts to read the first one, a Ryden fanfiction. His facial expressions are a mixture between horror and confusion.

Finally, he asks, "Why do they have me as the overbearing one?"

"I don't know," I say laughing quietly.

"Come on, don't show him," Dallon mumbles.

I take the laptop and click on a Brallon fanfiction.

"Here ya go. A Brallon fanfic," I say smiling at Dallon.

"Oh my God. I'm going to go see where Kenneth, Joe, and Andy are, " Dallon mumbles walking out of the room. 

Brendon's facial expressions are the same as when he was reading the last one.

When he finishes,  I ask, "Are you sure you're ready for the big one?"

He takes a deep breath, runs his fingers through his hair, and says, "Yeah, I'm ready. Lets do this."

 I hand him the laptop and say, "Patrick, Pete come and read this."

They stand on each side of him and start to read it. Immediately, all of their faces twist into confusion.

As Brendon's reading it, he puts his head in his hands and mumbles, "What the hell."

He even gags a couple of times. I can't help but to laugh. Patrick's and Pete's facial expressions make me laugh harder. Brendon's face looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I bend over to try to stop laughing, but I can't. My face and stomach starts hurting, and tears start rolling down my face. When they get done reading it, Brendon shuts the laptop. I can't say anything from laughing, so I just look at them. They're staring off into space with their mouths open.

Finally Pete speaks up and says, "I cannot believe you of all people would read that."

I just laugh. Pete and Patrick walk over and sit down clearly stunned. Brendon continues to sit there with his mouth open.

I finally stop laughing long enough to ask, "Are you okay Brendon?"

He finally looks at me and whispers, "What the hell did I just read?"

I bust out laughing again.

In between laughs I say, "The Ryden Milk Fic."

"Now I see why milk's in the title. I have no words left. None. Whatsoever."

 I bend over and start laughing my head off.

Losing Youself (Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now