2-Miss Martin's Miserable Monday

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The next Monday at school Adrien made a point to say hello to Marinette. They may not be the closest, but it was nice spending time with her Friday night. He wasn't used to hanging out with people outside of his father's schedule; the only person he hung out with on his own was Ladybug. Sure, he had friends, but Chloe was because of parental connections, Nino only really talked over text or at school because Adrien's dad disliked him, his photographer was working for his dad, and his fencing friends were only around during fencing. He didn't expect to enjoy hanging out with Marinette so much, though, but couldn't do it at all the rest of the weekend. Saturday she had Alya back and Sunday he had modeling, but maybe soon they'd talk again.

"Hhi Adrrien..." was all she could get out. He flashed her a welcoming smile, not even noticing her stutter. Her face was red, which wasn't out of character for her. She was always late and so it was normal to get a little pink, with all the running to be on time.

"Girl, I thought you were getting better... until now." He had already left and so Alya was coaching her on how to approach him. Her best friend was aware of her massive crush, as well as everyone else in the class... except Adrien.

"I-i thought I was over him." She looked defeated as she said it, sighing at how hopeless she seemed.

"I have never seen someone so not over someone else. You have it bad," She stated, knowing that Marinette would never get over the Agreste boy. "It'll always be Adrien."

She sighed. She had talked to Tikki all weekend about how she'd give Cat Noir a chance and that maybe that was the better way since she knew he liked a version of her. Now she knew for sure she was doomed. She couldn't force herself to get over someone, that would hurt everyone involved.

Alya started talking about her and Nino's date, which Marinette had already heard on the phone Saturday, but still acted interested.

The bell rang and the two girls made their way to their seats, pulling out their notes. Marinette looked at the handsome blonde in front of her and sighed in relief when she realized that his attention would be facing the board the entire day. At least in class he wouldn't be looking at her. If she knew his eyes were on her, she'd never stand a chance.

Class started and to everyone's surprise there was a substitute. Ms. Bustier was always there, so it was really weird that she wasn't. Everyone started whispering what happened to their favorite teacher, but stopped once they realized the sub was about to speak.

"Alright class, I'll be subbing for literature today. Ms. Bustier's sister is getting married so she'll be back on Wednesday. She misses you all." She was happy to be there, that was for sure. Her attitude gave the impression that she loved children and helping them. She wrote her name on the board while everyone gave her a once over.

Disappointed groans came from the back of the room. It was odd to have a teacher that everyone loved so much, so it wasn't fair to the new sub to be judgey.

"I'm Miss Martin, it's a pleasure to have you all for the next two days." She finished writing her name and smiled at everyone in the class. She seemed pleasant and like the class would get along with her.

The door burst open as Chloe arrived late to class, Sabrina following.

"You are?" poor Miss Martin asked. She held up her attendance sheet and smiled at the late arrivals, but was greeted by a rude teenager that had complete disrespect for authority.

"If you don't know who I am than obviously you're not worth answering to."

Adrien interjected, "Chloe, she's a sub, there's no need to be rude to her. She's just doing her job." That was just like Adrien, being kind to everyone and standing up for what's right. Marinette almost swooned.

"Well Adrikinz, she should know that my daddy is the most important man in all of Paris and that if she wants to keep her job, she better suck up to me." She had the most entitled attitude towards everyone and Marinette was getting frustrated as she had to snap out of her dreamy ideas and face the reality that Chloe was ruining yet another person's day.

Chloe must of known there would be a substitute, she always did cause a scene.

"Anyways, since you're practically my servant I'm going to take your seat and there's nothing you can do about it, alright? Alright." she sat down in the teacher chair. "Can someone get me something gourmet?" She didn't look up at anyone in the class, her phone completely taking away her attention. Sabrina was about to fetch something for her when Ms. Martin raised her voice.

"Please go take your seat." Miss Martin tried to be firm, but Chloe had no respect for her. "Don't make me get the principle!" She threatened Chloe, her voice shaking as she said the words.

"And what? Get my daddy over here to fire you?  I'm in control."

Marinette got up and walked towards Miss Martin, who was already out of the room. She followed her towards the principle's office, where the door closed in her face before she could reach her. She heard arguing through the door about how he couldn't do anything about that brat and then a thud. Oh no, was she so upset she let Hawkmoth get to her?

Marinette burst into the locker room before anyone else knew what was going on, transforming immediately.

"Tikki, Spots on!"

The lights started to flicker as she left the room. Screams escaped from the class, where she went in to check on them. A couple of people had already fled, Adrien included. Alya was recording everything... which happened to be Chloe being surrounded by several bolts of lightening.

"Power Freak, get her Miraculous!" the butterfly mask appeared on Miss Martin's face, indicating that yes, she was upset enough for Hawkmoth to control her. Ladybug looked around the room to see what the best course of action would be until her partner showed up.

Cat Noir burst in through the doors, aiding Ladybug as they saved Chloe from her clutches. As they fought alongside each other, Chat was back to his normal flirty self. Marinette couldn't wrap her head around why he was such a different person with Marinette than with Ladybug. They hid Chloe in a locker and temporarily defeated her, making Power Freak fall back into the city, where she seemed to cause a massive power outage.

"Chat, I think she's getting more power as she drains it from other buildings," Marinette inferred as they watched the lights turn off everywhere, sunlight being the only source that resembled electricity.

"How do we stop her?" he asked, knowing that he'd follow his Lady's lead.

"I'm not sure, but I think if we touch her than we get electrocuted."

"I have an idea."

Cat Noir led Ladybug to the power grid and shut off the entire city, making it so there was nothing left to drain.

Marinette thought to herself that Alya would be ticked, her battery probably dying as she recorded all the action. Oh well, her friend's blog wasn't as important as saving Paris.

Chat disappeared, having used his cataclysum on the power grid. He fed Plagg some horrifically smelling cheese and joined Ladybug as they fought Power Freak. She used her lucky charm, which turned out to be a massive ball of rubber bands. Ladybug devised a mechanism that bounced off her while tying her up, allowing her to fizzle out before grabbing her akuma and de-evilizing it. 

"Pound it." they said in unison. She threw up the rubber bands and the city went back to normal, all the power turning back on. Chat escorted Miss Martin back to school as Ladybug hid to transform and then rushed back to school as well.

"Girl! I had the most epic footage of our two favorite heroes and then my phone completely fried! If I could have charged it then it would of been a perfect addition to the ladyblog!"

"Awh, Alya. Maybe I could play damsel and try to get Ladybug to do a special for you."
They laughed together about it, completely unaware that Adrien was overhearing them.

Was that all it was? Adrien thought to himself, a trick to get a Cat Noir interview for her friend? He thought about their interactions Friday night, it didn't seem likely that it was all part of a massive ploy to get Chat Noir's interview or anything else. He didn't want to find a reason to dislike Marinette, but he had to find out. She seemed so nice and selfless, but maybe she had a darker side that he didnt know about.

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