4-I Can Trust You

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"Marinette, you're not going to tell him, are you?" Tikki asked as Marinette was trying to fall asleep. She looked at the blue haired girl with a concerned look, knowing that it could be potentially dangerous if anyone were to find out her identity.
"I can trust him, can't I?" She buried her face in her pillow. If only she could lucky charm a device to travel back in time if she suddenly couldn't trust the cat. "I'm falling for him, I know it. But it's like Adrien is tossing those feelings back up, trying to prove that he was better." She tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but the feeling still resided in her stomach.
"Well you definitely can't tell Adrien," she laughed nervously. She had found out the boy's identity back when the two heroes fought Dark Owl, but she had to pretend that the two love interests were completely different.
"Gahhhh, I know!" She blurted out. In two ways she couldn't tell the man of her dreams: she physically couldn't hold a conversation without blabbering nonsense and she knew that he was not one to be put in the loop. It wouldn't make a difference, whenever he was around her she couldn't think, and that probably wasn't healthy. "I have to do this."
"Mari?" He called out as he knocked on the door to her room the next night. The moon cast a decent amount of light onto the Dupain-Cheng bakery, but no lights were on inside.
"Doesn't look like she's home," a voice called out, stating the obvious.
He turned around and opened his mouth wide. "Ladybug?"
"Can I steal you for a few minutes?" she asked awkwardly. She needed to talk to the kitty and telling him as Ladybug seemed like the best option.
He looked down, all the lights were off in her room and sighed, a promise was a promise but this would make things hard. He scanned the streets to make sure that she wasn't just getting home and decided to talk to his crush. "Yes Ma'Lady."
She swung to the top of the Eiffel Tower with him. It was rather empty since it was a Tuesday night, no one on top of it, just people passing by on the street below.
"I kind of promised to meet my friend, Ladybug," he warned her, wanting to spend time with his crush but not wanting their meeting to run long.
"Kitty, can you sit down?" She smiled at how concerned he was with keeping his promise, reminding her that she had made the right choice to tell him.
He did and she sat down next to him. If Marinette was mad at him from being late, he'd simply explain what happened and defend himself with listening to her advice, not saying anything.
"Listen. I know I told you that I wasn't interested because I was obsessed with someone else. But, as I've thought more and more about it, I really want to be over him. And I'm working on it.  It's hard, but I think I'll be there soon. And when that time comes, I want it to be you."
He was dumbstruck. This was all the hope he needed. He just prayed that the boy, whoever he was, wouldn't show up and steal his shot. "Take all the time you need, you're beyond worth the wait." He was giddy and fighting everything within him to scream out how purfect this was.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him up so that they were facing each other. "I think it's time, though."
"For what?" He raised his eyebrow and looked into her beautiful blue eyes, ready for her to do or say anything.
"For me to quit hiding behind the mask."
He wanted to stop her because she was always the one insisting that secret identities were secret for a reason, but he was ready to know who his loved was.
"Tikki, spots off."
His eyes were closed, would that be considered watching a girl change? He wasn't going to risk it. His awkward around girls Adrien side came out.
"Open your eyes."
"Mari." He gasped and rubbed his eyes to make sure it was true.
"You're not disappointed, are you?"
"Kind of relieved," he awkwardly laughed.
"I've just been falling for you... every time you come to my rooftop I seem to forget the other one..."
He smiled and whispered, "but you're still not fully over him, I can tell." He had gotten to know her pretty well lately and now that he knew her identity, the gaps were starting to fill in and so he could tell that things were still a little off.
"I'm trying..."
"Let me know when you are, I'll be looking forward to that." He pulled her into a hug, grateful that he had fallen for someone who meant so much to him. He could talk to her and she listened, he just hoped that the other guy would disappear from the picture faster now. He wanted this more than anything.
She sighed and transformed back into Ladybug, smiling at the boy who had somehow captured her heart and was now playing tug of war with Adrien for it. "I will, kitty."
She used her yo-yo and swung back to her rooftop, making sure that no one was looking up before she went back into her civilian outfit.
Adrien went back to normal and pushed cheese in Plagg's face. "Now why can't I have conversations with her like that when I'm Adrien?" He dreamily stared out at Paris, watching Ladybug disappear into her house.
"You really are an idiot, aren't you?" He asked as Adrien covered his nose from the disgusting smelling cheese.
"Nothing." He consumed the entire slice of cheese in one gulp, sighing happily as he was recharged.
"Claws out." He went back to the mansion and collapsed on his bed. Ladybug is in my class... and she's falling for me. This is truly a dream come true. He fell asleep happy and couldn't wait to go to school the next day. Obviously he couldn't talk to her about it, but he couldn't wait to see her again.

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