3-Relationship Advice

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~I'm Not That Kind Of Person Who Can Fall In And Out Of Love With You~

Not Actually Necessary To The Plot But I Like This Song... Just Imagine Chat Singing It To LadyBug...

Chat noir appeared on Marinette's roof, waiting for a second to think about his best course of action and then knocked on her trap door.
"Hey," he said as she opened the door, rather down.
"What's wrong?" She asked him as she crawled out of her space. The sun was setting over the city and the breeze was picking up, cooling the day down as it turned into night.
"I feel used lately," he said blankly, wanting her to pick up that she was the possible cause of it.
She didn't know what to say, did their interaction earlier upset him somehow? "It wasn't Ladybug, was it?" She started replaying everything that had happened during the akuma attack: how they fought side by side and managed to defeat Miss Martin.
"No, My Lady could never upset me," he said with a laugh. That was the thing about love, the person could do no wrong while you were still in this honeymoon stage. "It's others. How do you know if someone truly cares about you?" He planted the seed, hoping that her definition would solidify that she cared about him. He sat down on the railing like he did on Friday, but this time leaning back a little more so that Marinette seemed a little worried about her friend.
"I suppose there is no way," she answered honestly. Her thoughts went straight to Adrien, like they always seemed to do. He must like her as a friend at least, even though he didn't show it very well. But, on the other hand Alya was always there for her, never expecting too much from her. She only gave her interviews and exclusives because she wanted to help her friend. She didn't expect them. If their entire friendship relied on Marinette being Ladybug, they would of never became as close as they did. "I guess you want to give them the world and hope that they don't expect it, that they would do the same for you."
He seemed to be lost in his mind, thinking things over. Marinette hadn't asked Cat Noir for an interview, she had just wanted his time. Perhaps if she asked, he'd say no and see if she was expecting it. Adrien felt a little dirty for hiding his motives with this conversation, but he just really needed to know. The only person who truly cared for him was his mother and she wasn't around to give advice.
He thought about their interactions while he was Cat Noir. The first time he was saving her from an evil supervillian, kind of in the job description, I can't be upset about her wanting help. Next came to mind the night he was depressed about Ladybug standing him up. She cheered me up, and I did the same. That's what friends did for each other, after all. The rest of the situations were too small to put in too much thought. But, something was still off, why couldn't she act the same around Adrien? Maybe a superhero was different than a model in her books? Maybe she was using them in different ways? No, she was too kind for that. He tried to stop his mind from assuming the worst.
"Hey, how do you know it's time to move on?" Marinette asked, breaking the silence. Adrien's eyes widened as she surprised him with the question.
"With what?" He couldn't tell if she was talking about loss or love. He wasn't an expert in either. He had never been with someone, his only true crush being Ladybug. He also didn't know much about getting over a loss. Sure, he had lost his mom, but it wasn't like he was handling it well. His model was his dad, after all, who completely hid his emotions and never seemed to move on. His thoughts went towards everything he heard at school, wondering if she had seemed like she lost someone.
"Relationships," she answered. He sighed a breath of relief, happy that Marinette didn't have to experience anything that tragic.
"I don't know about you, but I don't think I'll ever move on. My Lady is amazing." Paris's superhero came to mind and he fantasized about the two of them fighting the akuma, how well they worked together.
She didn't know what to say to that, should she tell him how horrible Ladybug truly was, hoping it would snap him out of it, or just comfort him as if she was not part of it? Comfort him.
"Why do you say she's so amazing?"
"Ever since our first battle I've been in love. She was so confident, ordering me around. All she cared about was helping others around her and she'd stop at nothing until she saves Paris."
Marinette's heart was racing. Her, confident? She was the definition of a clumsy, babbling nutcase.
"Cat noir, why don't you tell her all this?" She was blushing at his words, not knowing that he felt his feelings so deeply, that he truly liked her and not just the idea of a superhero romance.
"We're a really good pair, Marinette. What if she wants to fight alone because she thinks I'm this crazy fanboy? I can't lose her as a friend. I already know she doesn't feel the same romantically."
"But what if she only knows the flirty cat who simply says pun after pun?"
"You think that that's the only side she sees in me? Marinette, you're a genius!"
Am I really? Because now he'll wander why I changed my perception of him when it's only because of our interactions while I'm Marinette. Stupid stupid stupid! Now he'll wander what happened to my past interest but oh look, it's still there! Gosh I'm an idiot.
"Hey, Cat Noir?"
"Yes Marinette, uh can I call you Mari now?"
"Sure," she smiled as she opened her door. "Can you come back tomorrow, and not say anything to Ladybug until then?"
He scrunched up his face and then agreed, he really wanted to tell her, but if his advice expert told him otherwise then maybe he should listen.
He told himself that they were friends, he had no reason to think otherwise than a conversation that he had no excuse listening to. The cat themed superhero extended his staff and flew off into the darkness that had now consumed the entire sky except for the reflection of the moon.

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