17-The New Team Comes Together

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"LADYBUG! YOU CAME TO RESCUE ME!" Chloe screamed as Marinette swung through the open window.  Her number one fan and biggest enemy tackled her, ecstatic to see her idol.

"Relax Chloe, we don't want to draw any more attention to ourselves." She couldn't believe she was about to do this. "I can't fight all of these akumas by myself."

"YOU NEED MWAH? AHHHHH!" She fangirled so hard that it would put Alya to shame. "I'll go get my costume!"

"That won't be necessary... I actually have something for you." She handed the pin to Chloe and she squeeled. She may hate her, but the fact that she was willing to go out in a cheaply made Ladybug costume at her beckon call was quite promising.

"THIS MATCHES MY OUTFIT PERFECTLY! It may not be the designer quality that I'm used to, but it's from Ladybug so that makes it priceless! Wait until I show everyone!" She stuck it in her hair and then screamed when the kwami said hello.

"Chloe," Marinette pleaded. "You can't tell anyone, but I need you to be a superhero for the day."

She nodded along with an expression that said 'I hear what you're saying and I'll help, but I definitely am going to tell absolutely everyone.'

She sighed and called Nino and Alya through her yo-yo after Chloe transformed. She told them all to meet at the school. Nino must have been extremely excited because he was already in his turtle costume. He also looked like he was about to call Alya out, but decided against it. It would of been funny to see how long it would of taken the couple to realize their identities if Marinette hadn't informed Alya already.


"Okay," Adrien said to himself, "I'm locked in my father's office with no miraculous, no way out due to the Gorilla outside the door and my inability to go through windows without Plagg. What do I do?" His phone was still in the theatre so he couldn't tell Marinette to come rescue him.

He looked around and left his gaze on the portrait, oh he was never going to hear the end of this from Plagg.


Marinette and the new team met in the school gymnasium to formulate a plan. Chloe was messing around, seeing what all her suit could do and squeeled when she realized that she could fly. Nino was imitating throwing the shield towards possible baddies, and Alya simply glared at Nino, rolling her eyes at how dense he was. He was her boyfriend after all!

Ladybug made sure that everyone knew what to do and then they all set out together to take down each akuma.


Ladybug wasn't picking up. Adrien started freaking out due to the high amount of akumas roaming the city. Relax, she can do this. She's amazing. The streets rumbled and he ran towards the source: a massive four on ten battle with two of them having no idea what they were doing.


Marinette was captured in the arms of an akuma. They had defeated three, Chloe and Nino's flailing around distracting the others from attacking Marinette and Alya, until they tripped over each other and got captured as well.

She wasn't used to nothing going back to normal when she changed the akumas back to good, the city was still in shambles.

She struggled in the arms of her captor, a massive roll of fabric trying to strangle her. Of course an angry intern would take this form. She screamed for help, but then saw that her friends were also captured with three akumas still left with nothing to do.

The enlargened sewer started reaching for Ladybug's earrings, ready to give a present to his master, until a feather shaped spear tore through the fabric, knocking everyone off guard as nobody saw this... peacock? show up.

"Hello M'Lady," he said, grabbing her by her arms and pulling her back onto her feet when she fell.

She wanted to laugh at his appearance, but she was just so happy to see him. Hawkmoth seemed to be screaming at all of the akumas, distracting them enough to free Alya, Nino, and Chloe.

"Five versus seven? That seems like a slightly more fair fight."

"IS THAT CAT NOIR?!?" Chloe screamed, bursting out laughing.

Adrien threw her towards a distracted villain, Chloe's flailing actually ripping one of the objects in half, an akuma flying out. Ladybug changed it back to good and set it free, the rest of them gaining control of their bodies again.

"Now then, are you guys ready to win?" He said with a grin. The last few days had been horrible, Cat Noir was who he was. Even though he was Peacock at the moment, he craved the feeling of doing good and stopping crime.

Alya conjuered up a distraction while Nino and Chloe held the akumas back, leaving Adrien and Marinette with the angry intern.

"What did he do to you?" Ladybug asked as they flew around him, deflecting hits and attempting to tie him up.

"Just made me believe that he could change, but then he took Plagg."

"I'm sorry." They landed next to each other and then she pulled on her yo-yo, pulling the intern to the ground. Adrien looked like he was about to cataclysm the object, but then just frowned and ripped it in half.

"He may be a jerk, but he's one of my best friends. I miss him as much as I miss being Cat Noir."

She gave him a caring smile before she de-evilized the butterfly.

"We could all take one on now," he said with a smile, "unless you missed fighting with your kitty cat?"

She kissed him once before the three others saw that they weren't occupied anymore and let another akuma go towards them.

"I did," she said as she swung into action.

"Oh, I guess the cat's out of the bag. Wait, that doesn't work right now. WHY AREN'T THERE ANY GOOD BIRD PUNS?!?"
Marinette laughed and flew away, "I missed you bird brain."

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