1,000 reads special!

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Thank you everyone for the support on this fanfic. I'm a firm believer that once a story is done it should STAY DONE but a little one shot never hurt anyone. It's my way of saying I love you guys and I'll keep doing this for other milestones (250 votes, 5k reads, 500 votes, 10k reads, etc). Thank you for making me feel like a real author <3 If you want more than I have two other books you should check out. One is strictly one shots, and another is an AU where Adrien tells his dad he is Cat Noir from the get-go. I'd greatly appreciate if you went to those. Now, without anymore distractions,

"Where is that stupid cat?" Marinette said with a sigh. She opened cabinets, doors, threw cushions all over the place, and still nothing. "I'm an idiot." She went into the living room, where there were huge vaulted ceilings and noticed him sitting on the support beams. "I found you!" she screamed up to him. 

He extended his staff until it touched the ground and it retracted, landing him on his feet gracefully. "Took you long enough, bugaboo," he said with a smug grin.

"Ugh! You're so frustrating!" Her face turned red and she collapsed down on the couch, arms crossed.

He laughed and picked her up, setting Marinette on his lap and held her like a baby. "So, if I'm so frustrating than why do you want to marry me?" he said jokingly. She groaned as he kissed her hand, his lips brushing the engagement ring she wore, and started tickling her.

"Because I love my stupid kitty," she said after she caught her breath from the laughing fit he made her have. She was embracing him, loving the feeling of him in her arms.

"I love you too, princess." He smiled really widely at her and his ring started beeping. Plagg zoomed out of the ring as he whispered "claws in" and transformed back to Adrien.

"Quit using me to play hide and go seek! That was definitely NOT why you got your miraculous!" he screamed when he appeared.

"Alright Plagg," Adrien said, knowing that he would definitely do it again. "If it makes you feel any better, we won."

"Hmph, that only makes me feel a little better."

"Tikki is in the kitchen with a massive pile of camembert..." Marinette said to the kwami. His eyes widened and he flew off to his soulmate. (Cheese or Tikki, either one could be it) Once he was gone, Marinette hit Adrien with a pillow. "Oh, you think you won, don't you?"

"It took you longer to find me than it took me to find you! That means I won." He tickled his fiancé happily and she demanded that they do a rematch without transforming next time. "You're on, but I'll still win."

"Just remember, I school you when it comes to video games!" She said proudly.

"MarioKart has no real skill involved," he said, trying to write off her accomplishment.

"You take that back!" she screamed, hitting him with two pillows now.

He defended himself by tickling her, making his soon to be wife collapse across the couch as she laughed hysterically. She was out of breath when the doorbell rang, surprising the both of them.

Adrien picked up Marinette and laid her back down as he went to go greet whoever was at the door. It was Alya.

"WHERE IS SHE?" She screamed, obviously talking about Marinette.

"Uh she's out, can I take a message?" He asked as she let herself in and went to attack her best friend who was hiding behind the couch back.


"Alya, I swear I have no idea what I did!" she said defensively.


"Oh," she said, relieved. She had only posted it 6 hours ago, since it happened 10 hours ago. "I'm sorry, I just knew that you and Nino work different shifts except on Saturdays so that's your main day to see him and I didn't want to interrupt."

"NO EXCUSES!" She screamed. Alya was being over the top, as always, but Mari loved her for it.

"How about instead of excuses, I ask you to be my maid of honor?"


Adrien had to rub his ears after all of the squeals that came out of the two girls' mouths.

"Alya, it's great to see you, but can I have the rest of the day to celebrate with my girl?"

"Shut up, Adrien, today isn't about you!" She snapped and put all her attention back on Marinette.

Plagg and Tikki came over to see all the chaos since they knew Alya knew everything. "Isn't it equally about me? I mean I'm the one that proposed, after all..." he whispered to the kwamis.

"Get used to it," Plagg said as he shoved a giant piece of cheese in his mouth.

"Everyone knows weddings are for the bride," Tikki said, knowingly.

Adrien sighed and sat down at a chair, gazing at Marinette. Her eyes were lit up as she discussed the details with her best friend. He didn't mind if it was all about her, she deserved it. She was his center of attention, why shouldn't she be everyone else's until the wedding?

He spaced out when they called Marinette's parents to tell them the news. That reminded him, he told his parents he was going to propose but never told them how it went. He went into the bedroom and called them.

"Mom, Dad," he started when he heard the phone connect. "Your son is getting married."

They both cheered and congratulated him, his mom saying how she was going to be the best daughter in law and his dad saying how he had never seen him happier than when they were together. He was so proud that he'd be able to call her his wife.

"I mean, I don't want to imagine her in a wedding dress because if somehow I pictured the right one than that's bad luck, right? But geez, she's going to look so beautiful in a wedding dress. I mean, have you seen her? She wore this light blue dress to the prom and-I know you were there- I just couldn't say anything... and that was prom! That was for the whole school! This is just for me! I get her all to myself, do you know how lucky I am?"

"Adrien," Marinette said after standing in the doorway for a minute.

"Mom, she's done talking to Alya. Yep, gotta go. I love you too, call you soon." he turned around to see his fiancé, blushing deep red as he faced those bluebell eyes he loved.

"You really mean all of that?" she asked, unable to break her massive smile.

He picked her up so her arms and legs were around him and he looked her straight in the eyes. "You may be the one who can make lucky charms, but I'm the luckiest man on earth."

They started kissing and he could of sworn he heard Alya and Tikki squeal in the living room simultaneously. But, nothing was going to stop him from being with his Lady.

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