14-Do You Really Know Anything?

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Adrien sat, guarded by Gorilla, facing his father. "Please, let me go," he pleaded.
"I've let you have free range of this city for far too long... and what do I get for my generosity? An ungrateful son who tries to trick and foil me, throwing my plans down the drain." He gazed at the picture on the wall. "You of all people should let my plans unfold."
"It's not right, Dad. Mom wouldn't want you to play with fate like this, she'd want you to move on." It was hard for him to say, but he knew it was right. He knew that if he brought her back, she wouldn't be mom.
"Oh son, you don't know the first thing about her." He snickered and started to put in the combination of the safe behind the portrait.
Adrien tried to pretend that those words didn't hurt him. His mother was his best friend, of course he knew her. "Shut your mouth." If his father was right, if his entire childhood was a lie, he didn't know if he could handle it. Things were just starting to shape up and now they were sliding down a slippery slope.
"You're just a naive child, hiding from the truth. Your mother had a secret life, hidden from you. In fact, I should have known you were Cat Noir from the start, Miraculouses seem to run in our family." He pulled out the peacock pendant that had been laying peacefully in the safe for a year. He didn't let his son touch it, in case he somehow was able to transform, but he wanted him to know the truth.
His mom was a miraculous holder?
"In fact, I know where you're coming from, thinking that I shouldn't bring people back from the dead. But, for that to be the case, she'd actually have to be gone... she's just... missing."
He had to be messing with Adrien's head to get what he wanted. There was no way that she was alive, was there? He went to her funeral, after all.
"Now," Gabrielle said as he pulled up Alya's blog on the screen behind him, "are you going to bring your girlfriend here to meet me or am I going to have to do it the hard way?" Adrien stared at the video of Cat Noir showing up in Ladybug's interview, kissing her on the cheek. He looked in horror as he knew that Marinette was going to be dragged back into this.

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