6-Chat's Love of Pastries

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"Hey Kitty," Mari said with a smile as the black cat jumped onto her rooftop.

"Hey... do you like when I call you bugaboo or not?" he asked her, jumping down off of her railing and leaning up against it.

"It irritated me before, but it's kind of growing on me," she admitted.

"Okay bugaboo." He winked and she sat down next to him. "What is that amazing smell?" he asked, sniffing the air as he took in the aroma of the bakery beneath them.

"Oh, those are some of my Dad's cookies! He left them in the oven. I'll have to get them in about five minutes. Do you want some?" She smiled as she saw him taking deep breaths through his nose. Somehow he kept getting more and more adorable.

"How could I say no to a little piece of heaven?" his nose sniffed the air again as if he was being drifted away. "Ah, I'm excited."

"I'm happy to see you again so soon. I really like how much time we've been spending together lately."

"Yeah, me too." He looked at her. She was so confident around Cat Noir, taking charge and even if she seemed a little flustered, it only seemed to last for a second. She was clumsy and goofy around him at school. Maybe the more she liked someone, the more normal she was around them? That must mean she hates Adrien

She lifted the trapdoor as an egg timer went off in her room. "Well, I think it's time! Feel free to come in... I'm kind of nervous having people think that Cat Noir is stalking me or something." She invited in the cat themed superhero and smiled as she told him to make himself at home. She vanished into the rest of the house.

He laughed a little and walked around her room aimlessly as he waited for her to come back. He remembered being here and playing video games, well mostly getting beaten at video games. Would it be too suspicious if he told her about how much he loves that game so that they could play together? Maybe. He stopped at her desk, there was a little bed that anyone could mistake for a doll's, but he knew it was probably where her kwami stayed. All her sewing stuff was cluttered around. Good, her purse was fixed. He glanced over the rest of it until his eyes focused on something tucked under her keyboard. No, that's not right. He didn't want to snoop but he had to.

"Kitty, I've got cookies!" Marinette called as she opened the door. 

Cat Noir stood looking at the pictures of him that she had hidden under her keyboard. "Why do you have so many pictures of Adrien Agreste?"

Yikes, his ring was beeping. "Actually, let's just save this conversation for later." I'm not ready for her to know, he thought to himself, not until I know what everything means.

He started towards the trapdoor and Marinette death gripped him. "He's no one. Please don't leave... I trusted you, isn't it fair for me to know now?" she pleaded. She wanted to know her partner's identity and she kind of felt entitled to it after she had owned up to it. He prompted the question of sharing their identities in the first place.

He was about to argue, to tell her that wasn't going to happen. That's when he transformed back to Adrien. He couldn't look at her.

"Adrien?" she asked, making sure that her eyes were not deceiving her. Was she really lucky enough to have both of her crushes be the same person?

"Actually, the name's no one." Her words stung. He couldn't explain the pictures, but obviously she didn't care about them if she had to hide them from herself.

He ran down the stairs and out of the house. No one was home and so he didn't have to worry about Tom threatening him for being in his daughter's room.

"Plagg, she was disappointed it was me. I knew it."

Plagg was about to reason with Adrien, but instead he forced the ring off of his hand before the butterfly could touch Adrien's body and before Hawkmoth could see what was happening around him.

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