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Adrien and Marinette met Nino at Master Fu's.
"Welcome Adrien and Marinette," Master Fu said with a smile as he opened the door for them. "What can I do for you? Oh wait, I suppose you're here for the new turtle..."
He was upset, knowing that he was being replaced.
Marinette and Adrien went inside and made a full scene.
"By the powers entrusted to us by the guardian of the miraculouses..." Nino nodded as Marinette talked, confirming that he agreed since he was the guardian now, "Ladybug-"
"As well as Cat Noir-"
"Would like to give Wang Fu the power of the butterfly."
He was surprised when he saw the pendant. "Hawkmoth gave it up? Why do you want me to have it?"
"You said it yourself, you're old-" Marinette punched Adrien on the side for phrasing it that way.
"What we meant to say is that you said you couldn't fight... now you will still be part of the process, with less stress," Marinette said with a smile.
"Plus, who is more trustworthy than the original?" Adrien handed him it, insisting that he take it.
Master Fu put on the pendant and smiled as Nooroo appeared.
"Master what is planned for- oh hello." The poor kwami was shaking but seemed to get less nervous when he saw the other kwamis come out of their hiding places, saying hello to their long lost friend.
Master Fu smiled at Adrien, Marinette, and Nino. "You are all who I hoped the miraculous holders would be."
All of the teenager's phones blew up with an alert.
Paris is in danger as the subway line is speeding out of control, causing everyone on the train to be in danger, as well as those who are on the other trains. All of the carts have lost the ability to stop in hopes that it will stop them from colliding.
"Nooroo, wings rise," Master Fu commanded, pointing out the stressed officers who where trying to stop the train, giving them super strength and having them save the passengers.
By the time Ladybug and Cat Noir showed up, the situation was taken care of. The akuma detached itself from the police force as they were instructed to by Master Fu. The people watching thanked the officers for their bravery and the attention was taken from Mari and Adrien.
"So, this will make our job a little easier," Cat Noir stated as they left the scene.
"After everything, I think we deserve a break." Marinette smiled and kissed her kitty on the cheek.
"Awh, does this mean I'll see less of Ma'Lady?"
"As if I'd let that happen."

They went to Marinette's bakery and ate pastries together, back as Adrien and Marinette. The bakery was dead, the city was organizing an impromptu officers celebration and they wanted to say thanks.
"I think it's time," Marinette said to Adrien.
"But... cookies."
She stood up and forced him up as well.
"Mom, Dad..." Marinette started. They turned around from the pastry shelves and faced their daughter and her boyfriend. "There's something we need to tell you..."
They looked worried and held each other's hands, giving that 'you can tell us anything' look.
"Adrien and I are kind of Ladybug and Cat Noir."
They sighed in relief. "We thought you were going to tell us you were pregnant or something..."
Adrien laughed and Marinette turned beet red. "What? Why aren't you two more surprised?"
"We're your parents. Of course we knew already."
Marinette looked at them completely dumbfounded. Tom turned to Adrien and shook his hand, "you better protect our little girl out there."
"I will, sir, but honestly she's been the one protecting me."
That didn't stop Marinette from blushing.

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