100 Votes Special

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So like, I wasn't meaning to make one for this amount of votes but I was really excited and I wrote it way before I got there so I just wanted an excuse to release it. Thanks for 100 votes! Means so much! Okay, here's what you were waiting for.

Marinette and Adrien had just gotten engaged, so they were allowed to stay in an apartment style dorm together on the outskirts of their college town.
"Honey," he said, shaking his fiance.
"Five more minutes," she whispered, dozing back off to sleep.
"You said that twenty minutes ago. Your 9 am lecture already started, go!"
"Oh no," she panicked, jolting out of bed and hastily getting ready. They were learning how to make the perfect creme brulee and it would definitely be on her final. "I love you honey!" She screamed as she ran out the door, throwing her hair up in pigtails as she ran.
"She's such a mess," Plagg said with a laugh as he sat down on the desk, next to all of Marinette's notes that she forgot.
"I got it." Adrien grabbed them and shoved his kwami in his jacket as he started running after his clumsy girl.
She was approaching the door when she noticed her fiance behind her. "What's the matter?" She asked and then her eyes widened as she saw the binder. "Thank you, gosh I'm such a mess!" She kissed Adrien and went into the lecture hall, trying to be stealthy since they were already in the middle of teaching.
"Why did she decide to double major?" Adrien said to Plagg, making it seem like he was talking to himself. "She's so overwhelmed."
She had only overslept so much because she stayed up all night to work on her designs. Plagg just grunted underneath the jacket, mad that he was being jerked around.
He started going on a jog, Plagg mad that he wasn't allowed to eat cheese until Adrien went back to the dorm.
He went back and showered and when he finished, he found Plagg in a kwami sized hole in the massive wheel of cheese he left on the dresser.
"Just stay here while I go to class, I'll come back if I need to transform." Adrien hadn't needed to transform in months, ever since his dad gave up being hawkmoth and Master Fu started using Nooroo for good.
He went to his business class, only taking it so he would be ready to take over his dad's company one day, and couldn't wait to get back to Marinette.

"Honey, I'm-" he stopped talking when he noticed Marinette completely passed out at the desk, Plagg using her as a backrest.
He smiled and picked up his fiance, putting her in the bed and tucking her in as she cuddled up into the pillow. Plagg had just completely fallen down, hitting his head and drowning his pain in more cheese.
Adrien sat at the cluttered desk to work on his paper, but noticed the gorgeous designs she had been sketching and took some pictures to send to his father. "I know you have a lot of designs to use, but Mari made these. Also, if you're going to actually sell them tell me so she won't get accused for copying your designs for class," he texted his father.
Gabrielle just sent an emoji back, not well versed in the ways of texting.

"Mari," Adrien whispered as he shook his loved awake, gently. 

"I'm awake Professor! I swear!" she jolted up, muttering her excuses for her head being down and her eyes being closed. "Oh, Adrien, when did you get home?"

"Just a little bit ago, come to bed," he said, not giving her a choice as he picked her up and carried her into their queen sized bed.

"I'm awake now," she defensively told him, wanting to get back to her homework.

"If you're tired, you need to sleep. I can't have you sleeping at that desk, either, that hurts your back."

"Just let me get back to my work," she whispered trying to get up and be productive.

"Nope," Adrien answered, pulling her down into bed and wrapped her in his arms, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Baby..." she said with a sigh.

"I need to cuddle." He closed his eyes and held her protectively, saving her from her excessive work habits, giving her an excuse for a well deserved break. She relaxed into his arms, loving how it felt, not even remembering that she had work to do. They dozed off together and woke up at 2 am.

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