19-The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

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"Mom," Adrien whispered, his eyes wide as it actually worked. He was hesitant to walk towards her, the constant idea that it wasn't actually her in the back of his mind.

Gabrielle stood there, mouth open as he watched his wife run towards their son, slightly offended she went to him first. He followed and transformed back to normal, staring at Emilie, tears forming in his eyes. The family was finally together after about a year of hardship.

She turned around after she stopped hugging Adrien, "Gabrielle."

They embraced, both of them crying now. "I never gave up on getting you back."


Marinette was pacing her room as Alya sat on her bed.

"So obviously I can't talk to Adrien because he has precious mother-son bonding to do, but what's a good, healthy amount and what's a 'I never want to see my girlfriend again so I'm using this as an excuse to ignore her' amount?"

"Seriously Marinette? We just battled ten akumas and you're worried about your relationship?"

"Of course! What if this changes everything?!?" She was flailing her arms around as she talked.

"Then you'll be happy for Adrien, because he finally has a mother. Something of which you have never had to go without."

"You're right. I'm over analyzing everything. Adrien deserves this."

"Darn right he does!"



"So this is the box where all of the Miraculouses reside. Right now, every one of them are in use, but if anyone gives up their position then you must house them here. I will still be of assistance to you whenever you need me and you can use this building as a safe house of sorts."

"So what if Hawkmoth still tries to be evil?" Nino asked.

"Then you have the bee, the fox, ladybug, the cat, and yourself to stop him. Besides, I don't think peacock will allow that." Master Fu smiled at him and sat down. "Nino, right?"

"Yes sir."

"I have to say, I'm very happy with Ladybug's choice."

They smiled at each other and then Wayzz proceeded to tell the embarrassing accounts from the day before as well as in Master Fu's day.


Marinette went to the roof to clear her head. Alya had already left and now she was alone with her thoughts. Tikki was resting, something about the power being drained from her after they summoned Emilie. She was all alone.

Until she heard a thud and turned around.

"Hey," she said with a smile. He was back to being a Cat, which suited him better.

His house could be seen from her roof, all of the lights on as they were celebrating.

"So, how are things now with your mom back?"

"My dad is much happier, he hasn't locked himself in his office once today, which is crazy for him. I think he's actually going to make an attempt at being a family now... and I mean I'm stoked but I still don't trust him, you know?"

She nodded, listening intently to him.

"But, I do have to say, I know he genuinely cares. That man looked at everyone sternly for the past year. Not a single smile. But now, it's like everything makes him happy. And that got me thinking..."

And here's where everything falls apart. The 'I want more than this,' the 'you're not good enough,' the 'thanks for your help but I'm done now.'

"The first day of school I had no friends... well I had Chloe but let's not even begin to cross the bridge of how that doesn't help. Anyway, Ladybug was the first person nice to me. Not because I was famous, but because we were equals and she was just... nice. In a demanding, yet endearing kind of way." He paused and smiled at her and she giggled. "Then I met Marinette, and I disappointed her right off the bat. To see such a bubbly person be upset from something they think you do... that's awful. I knew I wanted to see you as yourself, not what I made you be because of Chloe's stupid gum..." He breathed and stared out at the scenery. "Suddenly you became the person I could talk to, my best friend, and I just wanted to help you with all your love problems. I never could of imagined you falling for me... You're just the most caring, amazing person..."

He's rambling now. It's kind of cute, but maybe I should stop it so I know where he's going. If he's setting this up to be bad, I want it to be over with. But, if it's good than I wouldn't mind hearing more...

"I just see my parents together now and I realize that although they both have their flaws, they're made for each other and I-"

Marinette kissed him, hoping it wouldn't be the last time.

They broke away and she embraced herself for the worst, but he was smiling and he wouldn't do that if he was about to break her heart. "I realized that we were made for each other. Like, what are the odds that we would just happen to become Cat Noir and Ladybug? Both opposites, but compliment each other perfectly. How else would we be always running into each other at school? It was like fate was drawing us together but made us too stupid to see it. Marinette, I think we were made to be together... I-I love you..."

He seemed like he was going to say more but she kissed him again before he could. "I love you too, Adrien." It was something she had worried about blurting out at school for so long, in fact she might of already. But, this was the first time it wasn't just some crush that she never knew if reciprocated her feelings. This was actually real. "I love you as my ridiculous kitty and the boy that I daydreamed about all the time. '
"My Lady," he said with a massive smile. The two teens kissed again, never feeling like they belonged anywhere before they stood in this spot, in this moment, together.

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