7-Fixing a Mistake

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"Tikki, I really messed things up," the blue haired teen admitted to her kwami.

"Maybe if you go to the roof you can yell for him?" she suggested. She had seen everything that had taken place, but she was still optimistic about the situation. Kwamis knew when two people were made for each other.

"I'll try that." she ran up to the roof, expecting to see Adrien walking out of her house, but the streets were completely empty. The only thing on the streets was Adrien's ring. Oh no, that must be his miraculous.

She ran through her house and down onto the street, grabbing his ring and putting it on. Plagg appeared and went on about how there was an akuma. Marinette bumped into someone on her way, but no one was there. She ran inside and pulled out Tikki. "You don't think..."

"That he has the ability to turn people invisible because you called him no one?" she guessed, one step ahead as always.

"That's what I was worried about. I wish that-"

"Don't you dare!" the two kwamis screamed, stopping her from finishing her thought.

"What's the big deal?" she asked, confused about their sudden outbursts.

"When you have both of these miraculouses, you have the power to make one wish. Only one. They've been saved for thousands of years and never used, so don't waste it!"

She nodded, understanding that she would have to be more careful. Marinette sat Adrien's ring down and yelled "Spots on!" transforming before putting the ring back on so that she could still talk to Plagg.

"Any idea where he would have gone?"

"Maybe try that spot where he saved you?" Plagg suggested. "He's into that stupid romantic stuff."

Marinette nodded and put Plagg into her purse as she used her yo-yo to swing across Paris.

Adrien took the form of a ghost akumatized. The entire area was completely empty, or so it seemed. It was one of the most populated areas of Paris during the day, so she assumed that they were all turned invisible. He was the only one visible and she hoped she wouldn't hurt anyone she couldn't see. Marinette tried to punch Adrien, but it was impossible, he was completely transparent. But, to her luck, somehow when he punched her it managed to actually leave a bruise.

"Hey Plagg," she whispered, "you're not going to like this."

She stopped her yo-yo shield and let Adrien transform her into a transparent version of herself.

Hawkmoth was furious, saying how now he'd have to change her back first to get the Miraculous, but was okay because she was at least trapped in this limbo state.

Marinette looked around at the ghostlike figures that were the entire population of Paris surrounding her and screaming for help now that she could hear them. She saw Adrien in his saddened state, the lucky charm that she had given him sticking out of his pocket. I bet that's the akuma, she thought to herself.

"Ladybug, you were right. I hate this." Plagg screamed in her purse, feeling how he was a ghost version of himself.

"Just hold on," she reassured him. She summoned her lucky charm and now, because she was a ghost like figure herself, she was able to actually hurt Adrien's akuma self. They fought, his moves difficult to dodge because they knew each other so well. She got tired, but he seemed to be thriving off of the energy. Maybe the longer she was a ghost, the closer she was to actually turning into one forever.

"Get her Miraculous already!" the mask that appeared on his face demanded. "Then we'll find out where Cat Noir is hiding."

"Yes Hawkmoth," he whispered as he fought her. Marinette's earrings started flashing as she kept trying to formulate a plan.

"You're almost out of time, Ladybug." His voice was so cold and full of hatred towards her.

What could she do with a mirror? Her surroundings didn't seem to help.

"I've got it!" she threw the mirror on the ground and deflected one of Adrien's ghost beams back towards him, as well as making one hit her as well.

She could hear Plagg cursing in her bag. Something about hating to transform, which was stupid since he was a kwami after all.

Now that she was back to normal and he wasn't a ghost, the two of them were completely equal. They fought hand to hand, Adrien unable to fire any beams at her until he was back to being a ghost. He seemed to try to shoot himself again, during which Ladybug took her chance. She hit his waist, causing the charm she had given to him to fly out of his pocket. She ripped it in half, threw the hand mirror into the sky, and de-evilized the butterfly. She took Adrien back to her rooftop and ducked into her room to change back.

Adrien stumbled down the stairs, extremely confused on how he got there.

Marinette smiled at him and handed him the charm, sewn back together. "You're not no one to me." She handed him the charm and then the ring, Plagg demanding cheese as soon as Adrien put on the ring.

"Then why did you..." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I really wanted to be with Cat Noir... I didn't think Adrien would ever like me back... How would I know that they were the same person?"

"I thought you'd be disappointed if you knew I was Chat."

She picked up the pile of Adrien posters that were tossed to the floor. "Yeah, obviously I've never liked Adrien..."

He laughed, "so we've liked each other this entire time, haven't we?"

"Yep, we're just both idiottss." she could feel her stutter coming back as her heart melted for him.

"Yeah, you are!" Both Tikki and Plagg screamed out in unison. 

Adrien pulled Mari into a hug. "Thanks for saving me. In more than one way."

She was extremely tensed up, but then relaxed as she realized that Chat was here. The boy she had fallen for despite her heart belonging to someone else. The boy who was also her crush from the start. Her stutter was completely unnecessary because he already knew her true self. Adrien was here, and he wanted to be as much as she did.

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