Prologue- Part 1

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8 years ago

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8 years ago...

Lorenzo's POV

"You stupid little bitch- 'SMACK'- I don't know why I ever married you- 'PUNCH' -You're a worthless piece of shit!" My father smacks and punches my mother in the face. Too many times to count. All I want to do is go and beat his face in to show him how it feels but I can't. I'm not strong enough. One day, one day I am going to be strong enough to stand up to him for my mother and for my little sister.

1 year later

I am finally strong enough. After going to the gym after school with my best friend, who is actually more like my brother, Adrien, I am finally ready to face my dad. I am tired of getting beat, tired of my mom getting so sick and in the hospital for days, and I'm tired of my sister getting beat. She rarely gets beat because I try to take the beating for her. Sometimes he gets her when I'm not home or when I'm knocked out from the beating he gave me.

I get out of my rusted car and walk towards the house that I wish I could call 'home' once again. As soon as I step foot inside, all I hear is my father's yelling muffling my mom's screams.

When I walk into the kitchen he has his hands wrapped around her neck. Not too tight to choke her but, enough to terrify her to have a heart attack. I immediately do the first things that pops in my head.


I can't shoot him. It will only make his life end faster. I want him to go through so much pain that he put us all through.

"Hey, asshole! Leave my mother alone. Why don't you pick on somebody your own size!?" I yell at him. Trying to desperately get his hands away from my mother's neck.

"Oh, so now you want to back talk me? Let's see how angry you can make me before I fucking finish you and your mother." He lets go of her neck and she quickly goes to edge of the room where my sister is watching, horrified. I just give her a nod to try and reassure her that I have everything handled.

He stalks over to me, holding up his fists. He wants me to fight back. To see what I've got.

We circle around each other. I'm trying to search for his weaknesses. Found them. He stumbles slightly when he takes a step as if he isn't sure if that's the right move or not. He second guesses himself. He puts most of his weight on his back leg so his front leg is injured. He doesn't seem to want to punch with his left because he only punches my mother and I with his right.

Circling. That's all we are doing. Circling each other in the middle of the kitchen, waiting for the other person to strike first. I can tell that he is losing his patience.

"Are you a fucking pansy?! Fucking hit me, you pussy!!"

I just stay silent, anticipating his first move.

SWISH! The sound of his fist slicing through the air and missing my face. I still don't make a move to fight back. We just keep circling. He tries to throw punches at me for the next ten minutes before he finally starts to look tired. I haven't tried to fight back till now. I wanted to wait till he was tired before fighting back.

I fake left and go right, throwing more than half my weight and force into this punch. It lands perfectly on the left side of jaw. His head snaps to his right and staggers back. Clearly unaware of how much stonger I have got since he first started abusing my mother.

I lung at him, throwing punch after punch. He falls to the ground and throws my knees on each side of his body and throw more pucnhes. His blood is so bloody. He is no longer trying to punch back and protect himself.

Instead, he's lifeless. I can't seem to stop myself. From all the anger he caused me to have, the abuse to my mother, and to the abuse of my little sister, I didn't stop until my anger was completely out of my system.

I get off of him and his face is no longer recognisable. It looks to have caved in and blood surrounding his head. Guess he's dead. Good.

My mother runs over to me with my sister and look at me to make sure that I am okay. They didn't care if he died. My mother fixed up my hands while my sister was calling Adrien and telling him about the situation and asking for his help. From the way her face lights up, I take that he agreed and told her some sort of news.

"He said that he will help! And he said that he has to talk to you about business that involves moving to New York." My sister, Rosa told us.

After he arrived, he helped remove the body and clean up the blood. Next, we all packed our bags and moved to New York. Where I would become the ruthless, cold-hearted Mafia Leader. Yes, I'm Italian. But I am not the Mafia leader of Italy. I'm an Italian Mafia Leader because I am Italian.

Just thought I would say that.

And there's a secret that's not really a secret. Just something nobody asked or I just didn't care to answer.

I'm a virgin.

I'm waiting for the right person to come along and break down my cold-hearted exterior. I am doing this because I will know that they are the right woman for me because they care enough to want to get to know me, take care of me, and love me.

I don't make it easy and there is no way in hell that I ever plan on making it easy.

I just hope that I don't die a virgin. My mother would bring me back from the dead to kill me for not giving her any grandchildren.

Hey lighters! I just wanted to say the reason that there are two parts is because the book will be taking place between the two POVs. I wanted to give them both a prologue explaining one of the very deep personal thing that happened in each of their lives. I also wanted to say that this book will have mature language and some sexual content. So, readers be aware and I will also be giving another heads up when the sexual content will happen right before. Don't forget to vote and comment down below! Grazie!

Lorenzo | ✔️ | uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now