Prologue- Part 2

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6 years ago

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6 years ago...

Liliana's POV

It all happened so fast that day. The day that would change my life forever. My parents and I were at the dinner table eating, Juliana (my best friend) had just left ten minutes ago.

"Hey, sweetie. Did Juliana leave already? It sounds like she's outside. Did you make sure her mom came and picked her up?" My mamma asked me.

"Yes, mamma. Her mom already picked her up and left ten minutes ago. Do you want me to see who is there?"

"No." She turns to my papa and gives him a look. It looks like she's scared. She never looks that way unless she's watching a horror movie. I just look confused and slightly scared. My papa looks pissed off.

"Liliana, go hide. Hide like you would if you want nobody to find you. Don't leave until you feel safe or till we come and get you. Understand?" My papa says to me.

"Right now, papa?" My italian accent strongly slips through when I'm really scared or want it to come out.

"Yes, sweetie. Go and hide. Don't forget that we love you with all our hearts." My papa says to me while my mamma looks at me with a sad smile on her small petite face.

I nod my head and go hide. My hiding place is where most people won't look. I climb ontop of my kitchen counter and climb onto the refrigerator and open the cabinet above it. I crawl in and close it. The cabinet is more like a screen so, I can see what happens.

My parents clean off my plate and act like it's just them and they continue eating dinner like nothing is wrong. All of a sudden the lock on the door flies off and my parents stand up and papa pulls mamma behind him, protecting her.

Protecting her from what? I think to myself.

In walks three people with guns. I gasp softly and cover my mouth with my hand. Luckily they couldn't hear me. They walk infront of my parents and just stare. They seem to take in their surroundings. I am now really happy that I am 5'0" tall. I can fit in really small places comfortably.

"Now, we are going to do this the easy way or the hard way. Which one would you like to go with?" The leader of the group asks papa.

"That depends on what you broke into my house for." Papa says.

"Ahh. Well, we heard that you have some very precious valuables here." I feel like there's a double meaning to what he said. He says it in a more sinister sexual kind of vibe. Creep.

"What kind of valuables?" Papa asks.

"Your sexy wife and your daughter. We heard you had a daughter. Where is she?"

"I don't have a daugh-" Papa gets cut off by the 'leader'.

"Then who is this lady in the pictures?" He asks smugly.

"That is my niece. She just recently passed. We visited her quite often since we don't have kids of our own." Papa says. I feel like he is protecting me. I love my papa and mamma.

"Oh. Well, then your wife will do. We'll either take her or the both of you will die. Simple as that." He says without taking a breath. They can't die. I know Papa won't give her up and I know he doesn't want to leave me.


The gun from one of the other guys behind the 'leader' aimed it at my father and since mamma was behind him, she got shot to. Both just got shot in the heart, dying instantly. I couldn't scream or yell. I was too terrified with what they were going to do to me. I was just frozen.

"Check the whole house. Steal anything valuable. We have to make sure that there is no sign of the daughter hiding anywhere." 'Leader' says to his men.

They nod their heads and break off to go their seperate way. I pray to god that they don't find me. All I can think about is getting out of here as soon as they leave and after I call the cops. I can't risk calling them now. I can't even get a good look at their faces because they are wearing ski masks.

Some guy walks into the kitchen and looks under the table, in the bottom larger cabinets, and just looks around. He spots the vent above the refrigerator and looks closely at it for a second. I freeze, not even taking a breath. He waves his hand and another man walks into the room. He points to the vent and the guy also looks closely at it before shaking his head and walking out of the room. The other guy follows suit.

Thank god they didn't see me.

After they leave, I wait an hour and then grab my phone from my back pocket and call the cops. I told them what happened. They arrive and I come out of hiding with tears streaming down my face.

One of nice male police officers comes and helps me down. He calms me down and I tell him what happened. And he said that I should call somebody and pack as much stuff as you can and live with that person.

I call Juliana and explain what happened. They were over in less than five minutes. She helps me pack and we cry together.

That's how my life changed in less than an hour. My papa and mamma are gone. I put up my walls and push back the tears.

1 month ago...

Now, I am 18 and Juliana and I just moved to New York. We both got job as bartenders and I got started in streetfighting. As I was living with Juliana, I was fighting, working out and making sure that the next time I was in that situation that I would be able to live to tell the story. I wasn't going down without a fight. I wasn't losing anybody else that I love.

I also have a secret. Well, not a secret. Nobody asks.

I'm a virgin. Waiting for somebody who will love me unconditionally with all my baggage.

Oh, also after a year after losing my papa and mamma I got a boyfriend. He ended being an asshole and beating me because I wouldn't have sex with him. I called the same officer who helped me before and we got him locked up. Now, I also have walls so high that nobody could break me even more than I already am.

She was 16 when this took place, 17 when she got a boyfriend and 18 when he got out into jail. She is now 22.

How did you guys of this prologue? I hope you like it. The POV is going to switch every chapter (for the most part). Don't forget to vote and comment down below!!!! Grazie!!!

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