Chapter 5 - A Cell Phone, Converse, & A Witness

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Chapter 5 – Detective Ross

I sat at the computer skimming over Jack Montez’s information: phone records, debit/credit card records, and everything else that Detective Hanes had wanted me to look for. I looked at the clock that read nine-o’clock in the morning…I had been up all night.

Without hesitation, I pressed the print button for all of the records that were on the computer.

I pulled a new file out of the closet and put all of Montez’s papers inside. I pushed the door of my office open and immediately saw Detective Hanes coming up the hall, “Hey,” she started, “What’d you learn about Jack Montez?” she and I continued to walk to the hall way towards the secretary desk.

“Well, according to the debit and credit card records, Montez hasn’t used a card in weeks,” I spoke; causing Detective Hanes to stop in her tracks.

“Weeks?!” she raised her voice.

I nodded, “Yeah, last time he used a credit card was the day after he had sent that text message to Jessica.”

Detective Hanes let out a puff of air, “Okay…what did he purchase?” she asked, slapping Jessica’s file down on the secretary desk; her hand laying on top of the file—the file had looked like it had grown over night; there were more papers inside than there were yesterday.

I opened Jack’s file and skimmed the list, “He bought a cell phone at Sprint, and bought a boatload of groceries.”

“A cell phone?” Hanes raised her eyebrow and then her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “Was his contract up?”

I looked back down at the cell phone records and skimmed over the contract he had signed, “No…he had about another year until his contract was up.”

Hanes sighed through her nose and rubbed her temples, “Why would he need another cell phone then?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “More homework?”

She shook her head, “No, today we’re going to go and check out the Montez household—see what’s up around there—maybe see if either of the Montez’s are home…”

“I highly doubt they will,” I rolled my eyes, “But we can go check out the house. Did you already get the warrant approved?”

She nodded, “Yeah, the judge sent it in this morning.”

“What warrants have you gotten?” I placed the file down on the counter and mimicked Detective Hanes’ body language.

She cleared her throat and looked at a few pieces of paper—taking in mind that those were probably the warrants we were going to be using, “I have one from the Montez household: meaning we can search their computers, belongings, stuff like that,” she paused to shuffle through the papers again, “I have one for Jones’ apartment, one for the father’s car, and an extra warrant to search any place.”

I nodded, “That could come in handy.”

She nodded back at me, “We already have a team working on the parking garage; one of our guys said they found a piece of a shoe in there.”

“What part of the shoe?” I raised an eyebrow.

Hanes cleared her throat and opened up the file, showing me a picture; “it looks like it’s a piece of rubber that came off of the shoe—you can usually find that kind of rubber from a worn-out Converse or Air Walk…something like that; the toe part of the shoe.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I can tell—my sister had a pair of worn-out Converse and those things used to fall off of her shoes all the time.”

“That O’Riley kid and that Heasley kid were wearing Converse too; so if we look at their shoes, we could probably determine which part of the shoe it was supposed to connect to.” She explained, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

“What was the girl wearing?” I asked.

“Pair of black flats or something like that—didn’t have laces on it,” she replied. “That’s for sure.”

I cleared my throat and furrowed my eyebrows, “So, do you think the rubber came off of Jessica’s shoe or the kidnappers?”

Hanes stood there quietly for a moment; my guess was she was trying to process my question—in reality, anything was possible. The rubber could’ve come off of Jessica’s shoe or it could’ve come off of the kidnapper’s shoe.

“Well—the rubber seems to have come off of a pair of Converse according to forensics,” she paused for a moment and then looked towards me, “Plus, Jessica was wearing a pair of Converse when she was kidnapped,” she added. “So, my guess is that it came off of the girls’ shoe.”

I nodded; the information that Hanes had just repeated made absolute sense…she was wearing Converse; but I also had this really uneasy feeling in my stomach—what if the kidnapper was wearing a pair as well?

A ringing noise brought me from my thoughts and saw Hanes reaching for her phone—I eyed her as she answered the phone.

“Detective Hanes speaking,” she introduced.

Silence; and it was a long silence—a good five minutes at the most. Hanes occasionally nodded or said a quick ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’.

“Bring it back for evidence,” she finally spoke.

More Silence.

“Okay, see you guys soon.” She hung up on whoever she was talking to and then looked at me.

“What was that all about?” I raised an eyebrow.

Hanes sniffled a little, “a group of investigators were asking people around town if they had seen Jessica at all last Saturday.” I burrowed my eyebrows, waiting for her to finish, “they said that someone who worked in a store was cleaning up outside and saw her sprinting down the sidewalk—in everyday clothing.”

“Okay, and?”

“So, they were walking along the side walk and carefully looking at it,” she added, “They said they found specks of blood on the sidewalk; they said it could’ve been from anyone—but they swabbed it anyways and they’re going to bring it to forensics for evidence—just in case.”

I shook my head, “So Montez was running for her kidnapper—well sprinting to be specific—and yet, the kidnapper still caught her?”

“The worker said that the girl started to eventually slow down,” she replied.

“So we have at least one witness,” I pointed out.

Hanes nodded.

“Do we have a name?” I asked—taking a notepad out of my back pocket.

She shook her head, “All I know is that she works at a floral shop down town; she works on that intersection across the street from La Costa—that Mexican Restaurant near Liberty High School.”

I nodded, “So basically, I have more homework to do.”

She made a ‘tsk’ noise with her teeth and then smirked, “Get on it,” she closed the conversation—walking towards her office.

Yay, Homework.

Authors Note: Theres more to come...but now we have a witness in the mix ;) PLUS! MORE EVIDENCE!!! But yes...more to come...

Coming Soon:

Interviews with Eric Redding, Lucas Jensen, and Katie

Nick's Feelings

Jessica Montez's POV!!!

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