Chapter 16 - Sam's feelings

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Chapter 16 – Katie Peterson

Sam and I continued to walk through downtown; noting the fact that Louis had to leave to meet up with the other members of One Direction. Sam and I walked hand in hand as news vans drove past every few minutes—Jessica’s disappearance has shook the whole entire Bay Area; so news vans are found on, literally, every corner of downtown Brentwood.

“You hungry?” Sam asked, smiling warmly at me.

“Sort of,” I scrunched up my face a little, laughing.

“Want to go grab a bite to eat then?”

I shook my head, “how about you just come with me to get some groceries and then you can help me pack it all away at my house?”

Sam shrugged, laughing slightly, “Sounds fine to me.”

Sam bumped my shoulder knocking me to the right a little. I chuckled a little as the smile on my face grew.

Snap out of it, Katie.

I shook my head a little, trying to shake the thought away. What is going on with me? I glanced over at Sam who was staring at his shoes as he walked; he seemed awfully focused on something—anything.

“I can’t believe you got kicked out of the grocery store!!” I exclaimed, walking out with a bag of groceries in my hand. Sam was leaning on a nearby pillar and started laughing.

“Hey, that was so your fault that I got kicked out!” he replied.

“It was not!” I spat back, “You’re the one who was bowling cans of Cream of Mushroom soup down the aisle!”

Sam’s eyes narrowed, sarcastically, at me as he laughed even more, “Okay, fine, it was sort of my fault.”

“What do you mean sort of?!” I replied, stifling a laugh, “None of this was my fault.”

“It was your idea,” Sam shot back with a wink.”

“Okay, for the seventh time, all I said was that it would’ve been funny if I saw someone bowling cans down an aisle,” I punched his arm playfully, “I never told you to DO it.”

Sam sighed in defeat, “fine…it was my fault.”

“Finally,” I replied, “took you long enough to admit defeat.”

Sam rolled his eyes and smirked a little, “Whatever, man.”

“I’m not a man,” I replied.

“Fine…woman,” he laughed, “happy?”

I squinted my eyes in victory, “very much so.”

I felt Sam’s hand slip into mine and honestly, I didn’t really mind; I may have only known Sam for a short amount of time…but I feel like I’ve known him my whole entire life. He’s the only one who’s still helping me look for Jessica, he helped my through my break up with Jackson, and he’s just been a good friend to me. I knew that Sam was a good guy; he’s more than just good.

Sam and I rounded the corner that led towards my house but all of a sudden I felt a tug on my arm; I turned around to see that Sam had stopped walking and he was just staring at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, walking a little closer towards him.

“Katie…” Sam started, playing with my fingers, “I think you should sit down before I tell you this.”

 I raised one of my eyebrows, but sat down on the nearby bench. Sam let go of my hand and stood directly in front of me; he kneeled down next to me to where he and I were at eye level with each other.

“What’s wrong?” I asked again.

“Katie…I don’t know how to tell you this,” he took my hand again and then looked down at our hands, “but I think that over the past few weeks, I’ve started to like you—a lot.”

All of a sudden my mind was racing, I didn’t even know what to think—Sam Heasley just admitted to me that he liked me…a lot too.

“Well, now, would be a good time to say something,” he added.

“Sam,” I was able to coax out, “I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay…” he replied, a little disappointment in his voice, “I understand if you don’t feel the same way,” he paused and then looked me straight in the eyes, “I just wanted you to know how I felt about you. I’m not one to keep secrets.”

This was true; Sam was the most honesty person I knew and that was something that I loved about him, he was incredibly honest and it was something I also admired.

“Sam, listen to me,” I replied, “I like you…but right now, is just not the time for me to start liking someone, and or dating someone,” I paused and studied his expressions, “My ex-boyfriend just dumped me, my best friend is missing, and my other best friend hates me.”

Sam opened his mouth to protest but I just put my hand over it, “Listen to me…I just want to fix everything before I really start another relationship.”

Sam removed my hand from his lips, “I understand…like I said, I just wanted you to know.”

I smiled warmly at him, almost as if I was thanking him, “You won’t leave though…will you?”

Sam raised an eyebrow in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Like Nick,” I replied, “You’re…you’re not going to leave like he did…will you?”

“Katie,” Sam’s grip on my hand tightened a little as he smiled at me, “I won’t leave you until you tell me to leave…I promise.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his promise, “Thank you.”

Sam just nodded back at me and then kissed my cheek; this action caught me off guard, but to be honest…the moment was completely perfect.

 Authors Note: D'awhhh, so cute :) who do you guys think Katie looks better with? Lou or Sam? I think Sam but idk about you :)

More to come:

-Louis & Sam's brawl

-Nick & Katie become targets

-another abduction in brentwood (OH NO!)

-Jessica's POV

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