Chapter 15 - Eric & Lucas are done.

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Chapter 14 – Katie Peterson

I lay on one of the bed in the sleeping room; Sam sat at the edge of the bed I was laying on, Eric was sitting on a bed that was on the opposite side of the room and Lucas was sitting in one of the arm chairs fiddling with his cell phone.

I sighed as I sat up in the bed, staring directly at Sam; he had two pieces of paper in his hands and he seemed extremely focused. I couldn’t exactly see through the paper he was looking at: all I knew was that it was just regular printer paper and something on the paper was keeping him interested.

“What do you have there?” I asked Sam, pointing towards the paper.

Sam seemed startled as he looked up from the paper—guess I scared him, “Just some sheet music.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Why are you looking at sheet music? I mean, I understand that you’re in marching band and all, but why are you looking at it?”

Sam set the paper’s down next to him, I noticed Eric and Lucas looking at the both of us sitting on the bed; it felt weird being a room with JUST band kids…Jessica would’ve been completely comfortable with this, but I’m not. I don’t spend all day hanging out with band kids—I just don’t roll like that. I’m used to hanging out with Heritage people, not Liberty people; makes me feel like a traitor to my school, I think.

“I need to know it by a certain time,” Sam stated, breaking my train of thought, “if I don’t know it our drum major will murder me—oh and our band director.”

As Sam was saying ‘our’ I’m expected to believe that he was hinting towards Eric and Lucas who were obviously in the room—they knew exactly what Sam was talking about.

“It’s true,” Eric said as he stood from the bed he sat on, “our drum major and our band director aren’t the nicest people in the world—if Jessica has said anything to you about them.”

“Oh yeah,” I replied, “I know…trust me…she talks about Liberty more than she does about anything else.”

“I can believe it,” Lucas managed, “this is Jessica we’re talking about.”

I chuckled a little as I stood from the bed, watching Eric as he watched me, “What?

Eric shook his head, no emotion written on his face, “Nothing.”

“Something on your mind?” I asked, awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

Eric looked back and forth between Lucas and I as he came closer, “Look Katie…as much as I want to find Jessica…don’t get me wrong I want her to come home right now and I want her to come home now, it’s just…I can’t just stop going to school. I have grades to maintain…so does Lucas,” Eric looked down at his feet as I felt emotions screaming inside me; First Nick…now Lucas and Eric…who’s next?!

“So, you’re giving up basically?” Sam asked, standing from the bed also.

“No,” Lucas butt-in, “what we’re saying is that we want Jessica to come home, Sam…we just need to go back to school too—just because a friend of ours is missing doesn’t mean we have to spend all of our time here.”

Lucas made an excellent point; however, I didn’t agree…I wouldn’t go back to school until my best friend comes home.

“I’m sorry, Katie,” Eric spoke, moving towards the door, “but we can’t stay anymore.”


“Katie,” Sam halted me, “let them leave…if that’s what they want.”

I turned back to Lucas and Eric who both nodded and left without another word. I suddenly felt alone—not for just myself, but for Sam, and for Jessica. Sam was really the only one left who was willing to help me…and Jessica, god, I don’t even want to know what she’s going through right now.

Sam placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, “We’re going to find her okay?”

I didn’t even reply; all I did was walk straight into Sam’s arms and all of a sudden all I wanted to do was stay there. I wanted to stay there and wish that nothing else in the world existed; that none of this was happening—that the whole entire world would just suddenly disappear, right before my eyes.

Authors Note: yeah, i know,'s okay, you'll get over it...BUT ANYWAYS!!! im super tired, and im sad so i'm done writing for today...and tomorrow...maybe Thursday i'll feel better...sorry the chapter was crappy.

More to come! (on previous chp)

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