Chatper 6 - Interview with Eric Redding, Lucas Jensen, and Katie

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Chapter 6 – Sam Heasley

It hadn’t even been two hours after Katie’s break down and the detectives were ready to start questioning. About ten minutes ago, Eric Redding and Lucas Jensen had shown up since apparently they were supposed to come in for questioning. Nick had already gotten his out of the way last night; I guess Detective Ross took a liking to him or something—not like that of course.

I widened my eyes at my thoughts and then relaxed a little.

“Good morning everyone,” Detective Hanes walked through the door, “I’m Detective Hanes, as some of you may know, and I’m in charge of questioning today.”

“Where are Ross and Sanders?” Katie asked, sitting up in the chair.

“Ross is doing some homework and Sanders is doing some research downtown,” she spoke; putting a recorder down on the table along with a notepad.

Nick cleared his throat a little, “Will they be taking lie detector tests as well?”

That right…Nick didn’t go in for just a regular questioning last night; Detective Ross brought him in for a lie detectors test. I already know that Nick doesn’t hide anything from anyone—he’s an open book—and I knew he had nothing to do with Jessica’s disappearance; he just wanted her to come home safe and sound, just like the rest of us.

Detective Hanes rolled her shoulders, taking a pen out of her blazer pocket, “Yes, they will, but Detective Ross is in charge of that—so when he gets back, they will be going next door for that.” Nick nodded a little and let out a slight sigh—as if he was relieved. Nick was one of those guys who didn’t want to be the odd one out: where he had to do something but everyone else didn’t have to; and with the fact that neither Katie nor I have taken the detector test yet probably freaks him out a little bit.

Detective Hanes pressed the ‘record’ button on the recorder, “Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Sitting in the station with Eric Redding, Katie Peterson, Nicholas O’Riley, Lucas Jensen, and Sam Heasley,” she clicked her pen. When the detective had said my name it made me finally know that this was reality—Jessica was really missing, we were really being questioned.

Detective Hanes turned to Eric first, “So Eric…” she trailed off for a moment to shuffle through some papers, “What is your relationship with Jessica like?”

Eric cleared his throat, sitting up a little straighter, “Jessica’s my ex-girlfriend, but she’s still my good friend; we get along well.” The detective nodded and wrote down what he had said.

She sniffled a little, “Okay, when was the last time you saw Jessica?” she eyes him carefully, watching his body language and paid close attention to the way he put his words together.

“I was at her sister’s funeral last Saturday,” he replied.

“Did you associate with Jessica at any time or in any form?” she tilted her head and burrowed her eyebrows.

Eric shook his head, “No, she arrived at the funeral that morning and before I got the chance Nick approached her and she went with him.”

She turned to Nick and eyed him suspiciously, “Is this true?”

“Yes, it is,” he replied automatically. She nodded at him and then turned her attention back to Eric.

“If I may ask,” she began, “When did you and Jessica break up?”

“The middle of our Freshman year,” Eric replied. This was true—they had gotten into an argument because Eric felt that Jessica was spending too much time with her other ex-boyfriend, Jake Sanders.

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